Should Men be Mothers: Social and Historical Discussion

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Should Men be Mothers: Social and Historical Discussion


 In British society, we consider the mother to be the main parent, most instrumental in the raising of a child. I will discuss why this is so, and why changes should be made to help fathers spend more time with their children. This is because the role of fatherhood should be altering in response to the changing attitudes of modern Britain.

British society has always been centred on the father as the breadwinner and the mother as the housekeeper and mother. This is based on the values of most religions, Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Throughout the ages, it has always been the role of the woman to bring up the children and run the household, with no thought given to the education or intelligence of womankind. In the Middle Ages, women were never educated and never thought of as more than wives and mothers. Their place was strictly at home. This has only just (in a historical time scale) begun to change, with the woman taking on an essential role in the world of business and work. Now it is sometimes the woman who is the breadwinner and men have to adapt to having major challengers in almost all that they do. Most areas of life have changed to allow women equal rights in life, but despite all this there seems to be no loss of responsibility for the role all women are expected to play as the mother of our children.

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Many women would argue that the right of total motherhood and custody of their children should automatically fall on the biological mother, as it is they who have been through the arduous tasks of pregnancy and childbirth. Men arguing for the right to be ‘mothers’ would retort saying that having been through all that, surely the woman could do with some rest and peace of mind. However, it has always been that in court, preference is given to the mother first for these reasons.

Looking back in history, the traditional role of mother has always been placed with the ...

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