Sociology Evaluation of Method

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Evaluation of Method

My method has some very good aspects, but it also had some negative ones which I hadn’t foreseen before beginning my project.

One good aspect that my method had was that it allowed me to collect very in depth data, people were able to open up to me as it was unstructured interviews, I did have a problem with this though, as I didn’t have prepared questions it was hard to compare my participants points of views afterwards and by talking so in depth about a sensitive subject like divorce things could get out of hand, one of my participants even began to cry as she became very emotional.

The location to do my interviews in were varied, some were good and some were bad, one of them I had to do in my room and privacy was hard to come by.

In my opinion my results are unreliable, but I believe that when talking to people about something as private as this, results will always be this as people feel awkward and don’t want a stranger, or somebody from outside of the family to know their business.

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The participants I believe were the correct ones to interview and had enough experience and met with my criteria, the problem which I found though was that I hadn’t interviewed enough; I only interviewed one of each that I wanted.

I.e. ONE married couple, ONE cohabiting couple etc.

If I had interviewed more people my results would have been more representative, I hadn’t thought of this until after.

The sampling method I used I thought was appropriate; people knew that they could confide in me and no problems arose with this.

If I were to repeat this project I ...

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