The film 'Virtuosity' by Gary Lucchesi

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The film 'Virtuosity' by Gary Lucchesi, allows us to see the relationship, which exists between 'visual' and 'reality'. The film also explores human fears, which relate to materialistic society in which we live in today. These fears can be then connected to the notions of 'Subjectivity' and 'Culture' through the in depth study of Virtuosity.

A visual can be defined as being "have or relating to the sense of sight" ( Meaning a visual is something in which can be seen, for example a movie. The movie Virtuosity itself is considered to be a visual text. Reality is defined as being "The quality or state of being actual or true". ( This can be interpreted then as something, which actually exists.

The movie Virtuosity tells us that 'reality' and 'visual' can be interpreted in a variety of manners depending in which way they are addressed. For example, if the relationship is addressed after viewing the opening sequence, the viewer is led to believe that what you see is not always real. This is demonstrated as the viewer is led to believe that this is the reality of the movie, and where it is set, but in actual fact we then find out that it was in fact a virtual training ground. If the relationship is addressed just after the opening sequence, we are led to believe they intertwine with one another. This is demonstrated after Donovan dies being electrocuted in the virtual world. "Virtual reality is the technology used to provide a more intimate interface between humans and computer reality," (Slouka, 1995; 9) This tells us that the relationship between the two exists. Sids reality is in fact that of Parker Barnes and us, as the viewers visual. It can also be considered to be Parkers reality for the time in which he is connected to the virtual training machine, as when he becomes a part of the virtual world as he is disconnected from reality. By being connected to a Virtual machine which "stimulating the full ensemble of since data that make up 'real'" (Slouka, 1995; 4); Parker reality is switched to the world of the virtual.
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Visuals have become our reality. The society, which we live in, is driven by the use of visual imagery. Many of these images, which have been manipulated, then create a world that never actually existed. This is seen in magazines, commercials movies ect. We are constantly seeing that which is around us. "How is it possible to hold a clear view of the distinction between reality and fantasy when the unreal is constantly being realized?" (Wooley, 1992; 4) In the society we live in today the virtual is becoming more and more a part of our reality. Video ...

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