Theory and methods

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What can sociology contribute to an understanding of suicide?

Sociology is the science of society; its techniques were created and developed by Comte and Durkheim. Sociology techniques have been applied to the social issue of suicide to try to find out the reasons behind certain groups and types of people commit suicide. The leading person into research about suicide is Emile Durkheim, he took Comte theoretic ideas about applying the natural science methods to find a positive science of society and create rules that he tested in his research into suicide around the world.

Emile Durkheim performed a world-recognised piece of research into suicide in the late 18th century; in this research he applied the methods and rules of sociology that he developed in his first book ‘The Rules of Sociology Methods’. The method he used to research into suicide was statistical secondary data in the form of official public statistics from around the world. This data suggested that suicide rates were influence by certain social factors and when an individual is exposed to them the end result maybe a death.  Durkheim found that suicides rates variety from time to time and place to place. Durkheim’s research found that suicide rates were higher in towns then they were in the countryside, higher in richer than poorer countries and higher amongst Protestants then Catholics. Durkheim concluded that the people who are prone to suicide all fit into four different types of suicide. He then applies these types of suicides to different types of social conditions. The first suicide type Durkheim identified was ‘althrutistic suicide’; Durkheim claims this occurs when an individual has a close connection with a group and holds a strong sense of solidarity and would perform any selfless act for the group. This is mainly found in the ancient societies. The second suicide type Durkheim identified was ‘Egoistic suicide’; Durkheim claims this occurs when an individuals social ties are weaken or not existence, these people are usually withdraw from group activates and are usually isolated. This is mainly found in the ancient societies. The third suicide type Durkheim identified was ‘anomic suicide’; Durkheim claims this occurs when a group of people who have shared norm and values are weakened by rapid social change, which creates uncertainty in the group’s members. This is mainly found in the modern societies. The fourth suicide type Durkheim identified was ‘ fatalistic suicide’; Durkheim claims this occurs when societies are oppressed and the individuals have no rights and their sprits are so broken that they believe their only way out of this nightmare is death. This is mainly found in modern societies.  

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Maurice Halbwachs was influenced and holds similar views to Durkheim; he was one of Durkheim students and also researched into suicide rates in the western world, by using secondary statistical records. Halbwachs blames societies withdrawal from religion, and also the effect industrialisation and urbanisation had and still has on the society organisation. This is similar to Durkheim theory that a person’s suicide is influenced by certain social conditions they are exposed too. While performing his research into suicide in Europe Halbwachs found that suicide rates were closely linked to how developed an area was. If an area had a ...

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