To try and find out why girls are outperforming boys in GCSEexaminations?

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To try and find out why girls are outperforming boys in GCSE examinations?


I think that girls are only outperforming boys in certain subjects and this could be put down to organization, maturity, motivation, and attitudes.


        The question I am going to research on is ‘why are girls out performing boys in GCSE examinations?’ I think by researching into this question it will not only give me an insight on the educational abilities in the U.K but I was interested in conducting this piece of research as there has been a great deal on the news about girls outperforming boys and I was keen to find out the reasons for myself.

There are many ways that a sociologist can gain information these include; questionnaires, structured interviews and unstructured interviews and participant observation. Once they have decided which methods to use they decide on whom they are going to question. They do this by firstly identifying the population they are going to study (In my case it will be students). It may be too expensive to interview the whole population so they select a sample of people. A sampling frame is then required examples are: doctors list, school register etc. It is vital that the sample represents the whole population, there are quite a few ways of sampling techniques used by sociologists in order to find a sample: they are in two categories: random sampling and non-random sampling. Random sampling=simple, stratified and cluster. Non-random sampling=systematic, snowball and quota.

I have chosen to carry out questionnaires and interviews. I have chosen to do questionnaires (closed questions) as I would say they are the easiest to conduct, are cheap, efficient, quick, provide quantitative data and from what I know have a very high response rate. Some sociologists may not agree with me as they may say that in some questionnaires people may lie, if the interviewer is not present some questions may be misunderstood and also we do not know whether or not the right person has completed the questionnaire if it is individually done or if it is a group effort.

I will also carry out a number of structured interviews I have chosen to do interviews as I think they are a good and reliable way of getting the information you need and also if you are sitting face to face with the interviewees you can tell if they are lying and whether or not the interview is reliable! Again sociologists may argue with this, they may say that interviewees may give biased answers as they may think this is the right answer to give and also that the age, sex or gender of the interviewer may influence the respondent.

The population I am going to study are the students at Cranford community college. Cranford Community College is a well-facilitated school. With students from a range of different backgrounds. It has approximately 1000 students and offers a wide range of subjects for GCSE and A level examinations. The school has up-to-date computers and a number of well-equipped science laboratories. It also has an Astroturf and a big sports hall which is not only for the school but which is also open to the community. I have chosen to research members of year 10/ 11-year groups at Cranford Community College. As I cannot possibly hand out questionnaires to all the members I will randomly pick people of the register and hand out questionnaires to those people. I will also carry out classroom observations from which I hope to gain an insight on classroom situations. I will choose certain subjects from which I think I will get the information I need.  From the results I obtain I hope to acquire an appropriate explanation to why girls are out-performing boys!

 I say that girls are outperforming boys, based upon official statistics. I only agree with this to a certain extent, as in some subjects this may not be the case! For example, I don’t think that this is the case in subjects such as physical education and electronics as I would say these were male dominated subjects, so boys tend to achieve better grades.

 Different people have different opinions and give different reasons on why girls are outperforming boys. But the main reasons that most people agree with are; Girls are generally more organized they bring the right equipment and books/notes to the right lessons. They are also far more mature than boys as they care about their futures and their behaviour towards school is appropriate and they care about their education. On the other hand from what I have seen in my lessons boys are immature and tend to have an anti learning attitude, this is not the case with all boys but I am speaking about the majority of boys. Boys have a lot more freedom than girls they are more outgoing whereas some girls are restricted in going out hence they have more time to study when they are at home. Some boys tend to follow the anti-learning culture, they think it is un-cool to work and study hard. This is why they do not complete class work or homework as their friends do not do it why should they, this is what some boys think. Other people may put it down to innate ability they think girls are just generally more clever than boys!


Previous research:

        As I said earlier there are many reasons people give on why girls are out performing boys, I agree with most of them to a certain extent but there are a few which I don’t really agree with;

Firstly I think boys and girls have the same level of maturity at the age of when they do their GCSE’s. I believe that at a certain point in their lives girls are more mature than boys but when doing their GCSE's I would say both girls and boys were on the same level of maturity. This I think should mean that boys should also have the need to complete their education and do well in their GCSE’s. So I don’t think it can be put down to maturity.

Secondly I don’t think boys have a lot more freedom than girls, yes this was the case in the past but I think that now it is fairly equal, boys and girls have the same amount of freedom and both genders have the chance to have an education and do well in their GCSE’s and I would say it was up to an individual and their family to make sure that they take full advantage of the facilities and education provided.

Finally I don’t think it can be out down to innate ability as in the past boys have been out performing girls! This is probably due to orthodox views that girls should stay at home, cook, and clean whilst the boys went to school and got a decent education. Girls never got a proper education and they never use to think about study/education or a career up until the 90’s as it has been shown through the findings of the sociologist Sue Sharpe. When Sue Sharpe carried out a public survey on the attitudes of girls in 1979, she found that girls were only interested in family, marriage; having children etc. when she carried out the same public survey in 1990 she found out that that the attitudes had changed slightly. Girls were interested in education, jobs, careers together with marriage and a family. So as one can see the attitudes towards education and careers have changed, this is maybe why girls are now outperforming boys.

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In the past when boys were outperforming girls the government was worried about the achievement of girls so they began to introduce single sex schools/lessons as in some cases science lessons were male dominated. The government also introduced national projects such as GIST (girls into science and technology) and GATE (girls and technology education) they were introduced to try and encourage girls to participate and gain success in science and technical subjects.

So as you can see some of the reasons put forward by people on why girls are outperforming boys I think are incorrect but the others I would ...

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