The Psychodynamic Approach.
The Psychodynamic Approach The first man who began to study the Psychodynamic Approach was Sigmund Freud. When you talk about the Psychodynamic approach you can consider it as focusing on the role of internal process in shaping personality. As Robinson (1979) stated, concerns about motivation are always linked together with the psychology of personality. According to this, psychoanalysis is both a theory of motivation and a theory of personality. However, who was this Freud and what did he do to be this famous? Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was born in Moravia in the Czech Public. He lived in a middle class family and was the eldest of eight children. He studied in Vienna and most of his life he spent in this town. Later on he became a doctor and during that time he learned about hysteria disorders and techniques of hypnosis. These two were to play a big role in his career. Soon he became more specialized in neurological disorders and became a leading figure in the area. Freud became famous for his writings on psychoanalysis. In 1919 he granted the title of professor at the University of Vienna. Later on in his life he underwent a series of surgeries for cancer in the jaw. He died in London in 1939 at an age of eighty-three. Freud has become one of the most famous psychologists of all time. One of Freud's most fundamental assumptions, Physic determinism, was partially based
The Psychodynamic Perspective.
The Psychodynamic Perspective. One of the key beliefs of the psychodynamic approach is that our adult personality and behaviour are determined by our childhood experiences. Sigmund Freud chiefly initiated this approach. Although Freud continually revised many of his theories, three of them remained constant. These were; firstly, that a vast majority (about 6/7) of the mind is unconscious and contains our instincts, drives and repressed memories. The only ways to discover the contents of the unconscious mind are dream analysis, word association and hypnosis. Secondly, that the mind is made up of three parts, the ID, the EGO and the SUPEREGO. The ID works on the pleasure principle. It contains the psychic energy of all our drives, instincts and repressed memories; it requires immediate satisfaction without any regard for reality. It was referred to by Freud as, 'a cauldron of seething excitations' (cited in Hill 2001, pg 73). The EGO works on the reality principle. It aims to fulfil the ID's desires whilst keeping them in line with what is possible in the real world. The SUPEREGO pressures the EGO to keep the ID in line with moral ideology. It sets ideals and consists of the conscience, which makes us feel things such as pride and guilt. To enable the EGO to deal with the demands of the ID and SUPEREGO, it uses a number of defence mechanisms. Some of these are
"Who is the Real Monster in Frankenstein, Victor or his Creation?"
"Who is the Real Monster in Frankenstein, Victor or his Creation?" Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein in the early part of the nineteenth century. The novel was written at a time when Mary Shelley and her husband Percy were staying at the home of Lord Byron on the shores of Lake Geneva. Mary Shelley was born in 1797, her mother died shortly after her birth. As a child the idea of republicanism was implanted into her by her father. Her mother had been an early women's rights campaigner and had written several books on the subject. Her father, on the other hand, was very interested in alchemy and Galvanism. Galvanism was the idea of running electric currents through a body to restore it to life, invented by Luigi Galvani. In Frankenstein we are told of a man who creates a life. This creation is perceived by society and his creator to be a monster. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein explores a wide variety of themes, and raises some serious ethical issues. One such issue that comes up time and time again is that of who the real monster is, but what is a monster? The word monster can be described as behaviour crossing the boundaries of acceptability or seeking knowledge which should remain a mystery. For example in the novel Victors curiosity to follow ambitions no matter what the consequence. Stereotypically monsters appear ugly or abnormal. Over time the meaning of the word
Who's cheating on the vinegar?
Chemistry Course Work - Neutralisation of ethonoic acid Who's cheating on the vinegar? Task: A chip shop owner buys his vinegar from 4 different suppliers A, B, C and Safe way. He suspects that at least one of them waters down the vinegar supplied to them by the manufacturer. You are the analytical chemist assigned to investigate this. You have already planned an experiment that will give you the evidence you need. The following results have been taken from a similar experiment. Your task is to analyse these results and present your conclusion. You must then evaluate the experiment by assessing its success in answering the original question, explaining any anomalous results, and suggesting any possible improvements. Aim: I have been asked to find out if any of the suppliers have been watering down the vinegar they have supplied to the chip shop owner. I will do this by using a technique called Titration. Vinegar is ethonoic acid What is Titration? Titration is a form of neutralisation. This is a process of determining the concentration of a substance in solution. A measured amount of a known solution concentration (molarity) is added to an unknown volume of a second solution in carefully measured amounts until a reaction of definite and known proportion is completed. Neutralisation is when a Hydrogen ion and a Hydroxide ion react together to form water which is
The Use Of Enzymes In Industry
The Use of Enzymes in Industry Skills I and J Enzymes are extremely useful and therefore are used in many industries. The reason for them being so useful is that they work quickly and efficiently to speed up the rate of many different reactions without going through changes themselves; this also makes them reusable.[5]This is all down to them being biological catalysts. The food industry is a major industry which relies on enzymes and probably the main place in this country where they are used. Throughout the industry there are numerous different areas which involve enzymes to make the process quicker. Some of these are; Fruit, Dairy, Brewing, Starch and Baking. Throughout the process of making fruit juices enzymes are used; as fruits contain pectins which are polysaccharides and cause cloudiness in the juices. To reduce this pectin and increase the amount of juice degrading enzymes are added at the pressing stage as the fruits are being modified. Therefore customers get better juice which isn't as cloudy and the company's gain more profit as they are making a larger quantity of juice.[7] Dairy products like cheese are made with the help of two enzymes, pepsin and chymosin. As cheese is made from raw material milk, the milk has to be warmed and these two enzymes added in order for the milk to form 'curbs and whey'. The product of this is a cloudy thick liquid containing
Type of Ownership
Type of Business Ownership 4th October 2008 Types of ownership Sole proprietor- A sole proprietor is a single person owning a business. Sole trader have unlimited liability (all debts paid by the owner, personal possessions may be taken). Partnership- 2 - 20 partners own, control and finance the business. They have unlimited liability. In a partnership the partners need to draw up a 'Deed of Partnership' to verify their company and to describe each partner's role in the business. Private Limited Company (Ltd)- A Company owned by shareholders. A limited number of shares are issued (99); these are owned by family and friends of the business. The business has limited liability (the only money lost is the money already invested in the company such as the shares, set up cost and others. Personal belongings are safe). A lot of small businesses are private. Public Limited Company (PLC)- A Company owned by shareholders, unlimited amount of shareholders. It must have £50,000 of capital, and may allow its shares to be bought by the general public via the stock market. The business has limited liability. Every PLC must send an annual return to Companies House at least once every 12 months. Franchise- Franchising refers to the methods of practicing and using another person's philosophy of business. The franchisor grants the franchisee the right to distribute its products,
The supernatural in Macbeth
The supernatural in Macbeth The Witches, also known as the Weird Sisters, are part of the supernatural element of the play. Without them, the play would surely not have taken the path that it did for either Macbeth, nor Lady Macbeth would have been driven, by greed and lust for the crown, to the extent of murder and regicide. Although the witches only feature in a few scenes, their presence is essential and they are the characters who drive Macbeth to the position of King and eventually to his death. In the following I will assess the roles that the witch play and decide how important they actually were. Firstly, the appearance of the witches, give us a better idea of their character. They are described as having "choppy fingers, skinny lips and beards." When Banquo meets them, he says "That not look like the inhabitants o'th'Earth and yet are on it?" He says they look imaginary and when they disappear, he describes them as "bubbles of the Earth" Clearly they are going to influence Macbeth's life in a 3.major way. The witches also speak in riddles and paradoxes. They make it purposefully hard to understand the truth about what they mean. Some examples are "Fair is foul and foul is fair" (implying all good is bad and all bad is good) Another example is when a witch says, "When a battle's lost and won" Later on in the story, we realise that nearly everything the witches do
The Supernatural in "Macbeth"
Macbeth Supernatural, no matter if you believe in it or not it still attracts the audience's heart. In the time of William Shakespeare there was a strong belief in the existence of the supernatural. Thus, the supernatural is s recurring aspect in many of Mr. Shakespeare's plays. In "Macbeth", the supernatural is an integral part of the structure of the plot. Not only do witches appear but also a floating dagger transforms into reality. Shakespeare intelligently introduced the elements of the supernatural in Act 1, Scene 3. Shakespeare located his scene in a mysterious marshy, deserted "heath" on a day with "thunder", perfect for paranormal activity. Thunder and lightning was believed to be associated with evil, and when the play was presented in Shakespeare's time, cannonballs would be rolled to create the sound effect. Three characters are introduced; immediately we knew that they are involved with the supernatural because the second witch told the others that she was "killing swine". Witches tried to hide from humans in fear of being burned at stakes, so they had to be in an empty heath to meet Macbeth. Back in the day, witches were blamed for the death of animals. Also, the witches repeated phrases three times. "I'll do, I'll do, I'll do" and instead of any other number of witches, there were three of them. The number three was regarded as a magic number. The
Was The Treaty Of Versailles Justified?
Was The Treaty Of Versailles Justified? The Treaty Of Versailles was an agreement between 32 nations deciding the fate of Germany. It was needed badly as war torn Europe was in turmoil. France had been devastated by the effects of war and sought to cripple Germany. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, realised the severe implications that this could have and so wanted a more lenient peace treaty. The American public had little interest in Post War Europe but their President, Woodrow Wilson, wanted a Germany that would make a good neighbour in Europe, hence his fourteen points. To reach a compromise a meeting was needed at the small palace of Versailles, not far from the French capital, Paris. Here the leaders of 'The Big Four', Orlando, Clemenceau, Wilson and George, representing Italy, France, Britain and America respectively, tried to find a lasting peace for Europe. This meeting was intended to bring stability ad peace into a crippled Europe. The date set was June 28th, 1919 and the members of 32 nations met up, in a council of 10, to agree on terms of peace for Germany, however none of the defeated nations were present at this meeting including Russia whose Government was not acknowledged by the Allies. The treaty was to last for 12 months and was to be a long and arduous task, even impeding Wilson's health, but what was the outcome and was the treaty justified?
Watergate scandal
Describe the main features of the Watergate scandal in the USA. The Watergate Scandal was caused by an attempt to bug the offices of the Democrat Party in the Watergate building in Washington. Five men were arrested in June 1972. The men were employed by CREEP, Committee to re-elect the President. Some of the key features were the secretive activites CREEP, dirty tricks, the cover-up, role of television, senate hearings, Nixon's registration and the scandal's impact on politics. In 1968, Richard Nixon, the Republican candidate, was elected president. In 1972 he would have to seek-reelection. Concerned that he might not be re-elected, he set up CREEP, "Committee to Re-elect the President". It was led by John Mitchell, a close adviser to Nixon, who was encouraged to use any tactics he saw fit to ensure Nixon's re-election, including dirty tricks or illegal methods. Sixty million dollars were illegally collected to fight this campaign, with $350,000 set aside for these dirty tricks, including the idea of "bugging" the Democrat offices at Watergate. This campaign led to the break in which started scandal and led to the cover-up. On 17th June, five members of CREEP were arrested for breaking into the Watergate offices. These burglars turned out to be rather unusual. They were not stealing from the offices, but instead planting electronic bugging devices. One burglar turned out