Animal Farm is not just about a story about animals it is about human nature and behaviour. Discuss.
Animal Farm Animal Farm is not just about a story about animals it is about human nature and behaviour. "Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a novel based on the lives of a society of animals living on the Manor Farm. Although the title of the book suggests the book is merely about animals, the story is a much more in depth analysis of the workings of society in Communist Russia. The animals are used as puppets to illustrate how the communist class system operated, and how Russian citizens responded to this, and how propaganda was used by early Russian leaders such as Stalin, and the effect this type of leadership had on the behaviour of the people of Russia. One thing which relates to the topic is how the pigs are favoured on Animal Farm. The main source for this was because their leader Napolean was a pig, the pigs were subject to favouritism by Napolean, and were given privileges that other animals were not given, such as sleeping in beds, wearing clothes and drinking beer. The pigs were also the only animals involved in making the vital decisions on Animal Farm. The fact emulates in a way how our Government tends to operate. The Government Party members are paid an exuberant amount of money, with this money the members of the Government can purchase costly cars and houses, if they wish to do so. They make all the important decisions about the country where as the
A Person has the Choice to end their Life when they Wish - Discuss
'A person has the right to end their life when they wish' - Discuss By Luke Warner Throughout history, the act of committing suicide has been punished in almost every country in the world; however in modern society it is becoming more and more acceptable. According to the online dictionary, suicide is "Intentionally taking one's own life"1. While this definition is in almost all situations correct, many disagree with the ethics of suicide, and therefore it is a controversial topic. However an equally hot subject is the fact that in Britain, Suicide is legal under legislation, while euthanasia or assisting somebody else's suicide is not, and as a result fierce debating has raged on over these questionable laws 2. The following paragraphs will discuss various cases to do with suicide and euthanasia, present the arguments for and against suicide, and attempt to decide whether it is one's right to end their life whenever they want. As in the majority of nations, Euthanasia is illegal, and in this country punishable by 14 years imprisonment. Unlike suicide, Euthanasia is the act putting to death painlessly or allowing to die, as by withholding extreme medical measures, a person or animal suffering from an incurable, especially a painful disease, or condition3. However slightly bizarrely, suicide is not a criminal offence under the Suicide Act 1961. And even more unusually, it is
Econmoic Concepts behind the uk oil industry
.Explain the following economic concepts in the context of the UK oil industry: a) Economic Resources b) Specialisation c) Money and Exchange d) Markets A. There are four types of resources available for use in the production process. These are land, labour, capital and enterprise or entrepreneurship. These resources are called the factors of production. With land it doesn't only deal with the actual land itself but all the natural resources about and below the land and sea. Land is split up into two types of resources, these are renewable and non-renewable, which then filter down further into sustainable and non-sustainable resources. Renewable resources are resources which once used are able to be renewed. For example fish stocks and forests. These are then only sustainable if even with economic exploitation, like fishing and commercial logging, the number of fish and trees don't diminish or run out. If for example it was found out that under the forest there is a large amount of oil then the forest would be totally cleared to make way for people to dig and collect for the oil. In this case the forest would have ceased to be a sustainable resource. Non-renewable resources are non-renewable in the fact that once used, will never be replaced. Oil is an example of a non-renewable resources as once it has been used, say for fuel for your car, there is no way to again use
Gas Exchange Gas exchange supplies oxygen for cellular respiration and disposes of carbon dioxide: an overview • Gas exchange is the uptake of molecular oxygen (O2) from the environment and the discharge of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the environment. • The source of oxygen, the respiratory medium, is air for terrestrial animals and water for aquatic animals. • The atmosphere is about 21% O2 (by volume). • Dissolved oxygen levels in lakes, oceans, and other bodies of water vary considerably, but they are always much less than an equivalent volume of air. • The part of an animal where gases are exchanged with the environment is the respiratory surface. • Movements of CO2 and O2 across the respiratory surface occurs entirely by diffusion. • The rate of diffusion is proportional to the surface area across which diffusion occurs, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance through which molecules must move. • Therefore, respiratory surfaces tend to be thin and have large areas, maximizing the rate of gas exchange. • In addition, the respiratory surface of terrestrial and aquatic animals are moist to maintain the cell membranes and thus gases must first dissolve in water. • Because the respiratory surface must supply O2 and expel CO2 for the entire body, the structure of a respiratory surface depends mainly on the size of the organism,
Characters in the play Translations.
While Friel's small group of characters in the play Translations, hold stereotypical qualities and are all citizens of the rural Irish-speaking village of Baile Beag being affected culturally and personally by the Ordance Survey. Each character is carefully delineated with his or her own particular traits as well as being different representatives of particular views and beliefs. At first Sarah who is mute is seen as the stereotypical silent woman. Her loss of tongue and hence loss of identity is symbolic of the powerless, submissive female. "Which should I take Sarah" highlights the patronising, denigrating, and belittling attitudes towards females. Sarah is very much plays the role of society's expected female, "maybe you'd set out the stools," females are merely servants and slaves. However as the play precedes the audiences sees Sarah's developing individuality through her gestures, dress and actions. The name Sarah, maybe deliberately chose by Friel, refers to the Hebrew Sarah - mother of the nation, in this play's case the nation being Ireland. She is not just a mute village folk but also a representation of Ireland as a silenced voice, as it is a nation that does not speak the language of the colonisers. 'You were lovely last night, Sarah is that the dress you got from Boston, Green suits you." This further highlights Sarah's symbolism of Ireland seeing as green is
Chemistry revision notes. Atomic Structure and Bonding, Electrolysis, Acids and Alkalis.
Atomic Structure and Bonding (F) Atoms, Molecules and Ions. AN ATOM is the smallest particle of an element. They cannot be split into smaller particles in chemical reactions. Iron is made of iron atoms (Fe). Sulphur is made of sulphur atoms (S) A MOLECULE is a small group of atoms joined together. The atoms may be the same (e.g. O2) or different (e.g. H2O). The chemical formula shows the number and type of atoms present. Non-metal compounds are made of molecules: Carbon dioxide contains CO2 molecules Methane (natural gas) contains CH4 molecules AN ION is an atom or group of atoms with an electrical charge (+ or -). Metal compounds such as sodium chloride or copper sulphate contain ions. Sodium chloride is made of Na+ and Cl- ions Magnesium Oxide is made of Mg2+ and O2- ions Note that metals form positive ions while non-metals form negative ions. A solid is represented by (s). e.g. H2O(s) is ice. A liquid is represented by (l) e.g. Fe(l) is molten iron. A gas is represented by (g) e.g. H2O(g) is steam. A solution in water is represented by (aq). Salt dissolved in water is NaCl(aq). You should remember that the common gases are diatomic (have 2 atoms in each molecule). These are Oxygen O2; Hydrogen H2; Nitrogen N2; and Chlorine Cl2. Elementary Particles Atoms are made up of smaller particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. The protons and neutrons
How the Mass of Plant Tissue is Affected by a Range of Water Concentrations
How the Mass of Plant Tissue is Affected by a Range of Water Concentrations I will make my investigation fair test by making sure that only the independent variable which is the water concentration changes. There are several control variables which I must ensure I keep the same: * Light * Temperature * Oxygen level in the water * Carbon dioxide level in the water * Size and type of chip I will make sure these remain the same throughout the experiment by: Light: I will carry out the experiment in the same place in the room. Temperature: I will carry out the experiment in the same position in the room. Oxygen level in the water and carbon dioxide level in the water: These are not likely to change much, but I will get the water from the same source. Size and type of chip: I will cut the chips all to the same size and get them from the same source. Prediction I predict that the lower the concentration of water that is in the test tube, the more mass the potato chip will lose. Reasons for Prediction I think that that the end mass will be higher when there is a higher concentration of water because the plant tissue will take in more water. Therefore the more water in the tissue the higher the mass will be. The plant tissue will absorb the water through a process called Osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area
Italian speaking-schools
Per me, Le lezioni iniziano alle nove circa. Ho sei lezioni al giorno, con una pausa di 20 minuti dopo la seconda lezione alle undici e una pausa pranzo dopo la lezione quarto della durata di cinquanta minuti. Tutti devono andare a scuola da bambini. E 'stata obbligatoria fino all'età di sedici anni, ma è stata cambiata a diciotto anni. Le lezioni terminano alle 3 ore e trentacinquei, ma ci dovrebbero essere le attività extra-scolastiche dopo la scuola. Per esempio, recitazione è un'attività piuttosto frequentata nel doposcuola del mio istituto. In molte scuole, si deve portare l'uniforme scolastica. Penso che l'uniforme è utile perché di solito è meno costosa e certamente meno stressante. Un uniforme previene alcuni problemi sociali, come gli studenti bullismo gli studenti che non sono molto ricchi. Ai figli adolescenti è opportuno dare un certo grado di libertà, ma non troppo. In genere, è studiare una dozzina di materie fino all'anno dodici. La mia materia preferita è probabilmente la biologia perché trovo abbastanza facile e il professore è divertente. Mi piace anche la matematica, perché c'è sempre una risposta definitiva e il professore è molto simpatica. La lezione che odio di più è la Storia. L'avevo studiato per 3 anni fino a quando ho abbandonato l'anno scorso. Non so perché ci viene insegnato materie che non siamo mai userà nella nostra
Why did the Germans hate the treaty of Versailles?
Why did the Germans hate the treaty of Versailles? Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles because they did not understand they were responsible for starting the war neither they felt as they had lost. Another reason that the German hated the treaty was the terms of the treaty, which created political and economic problems. This includes territorial restriction on Germany, military Restrictions on Germany, territorial losses, reparations, League of Nations etc. As a result, a piece of land was split in centre of Germany for Poland to have a coastline, which weaken Germany from East Prussia (East Prussia had been a source of great revenue and the political elite for Germany). Another territorial restriction on Germany that the Germans did not expect was that the Saar coal fields were to be given to France for fifteen years. This was a great source of coal for the Germans and losing it meant that the Germans didn't have a supply of coal and raw materials for its industries. There are many more reasons that the Germans hated the treaty of Versailles. When the treaty was announced on the 7th May 1919, Germans were horrified. One of the reasons why they were horrified was Germany had been blamed unfairly for starting the war. However, the allies could blame Bosnia for killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo. Germany was not allowed to
Themes Surrounding The Title Of "Of Mice And Men"
Of Mice And Men Title: In this presentation I will talk about the title "Of Mice And Men", and the significance of various themes incorporated into the story in relation to how they associate to the title, such as the subject of Lennie's treatment of the mouse in the beginning, and how the animalistic deaths that transpire throughout the novel could be seen as an admonition to later events, in which Lennie is killed by George and conclude by answering if the title is effective in indicating the themes that are prominent in the novel. The title of the novel "Of Mice and Men" is an intertextual reference as it is a quotation from a poem written by Robert Burns, in which he speaks of a homeless mouse which is in fear following the destruction of its house. A quotation from the poem, "The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley" means that everything, no matter how well deliberated or considered, is questionable to failure. Steinbeck took the title of the novel from this quote, as the two pieces of text are easily comparable in their matters, as in the novel, Lennie and George's plan to find a little place, how they wanted their dream, and yet it never materialized. On Page 7, George makes the discovery that Lennie is carrying a dead mouse in his pocket. Lennie wanted to keep the mouse because he loves to pet small, soft things. Sadly, such is his brute strength,