Jessica Moldaver 11J 1/23/2008
History Test Draft
Mazzini + Cavour Question
During the Unification of Italy, Giuseppe Mazzini and Count Camillo de Cavour played large roles in the uniting of many Italian states. While Cavour played a more practical role in the unification, Mazzini was able to use his radical ideas and his own nationalist society to sway the views of many Italian people.
Giuseppe Mazzini was a somewhat enlightened and very radical thinker. He was generally not liked in society because of his radical views that most people were not ready to think about. The people of the Italian states were more progressive and Mazzini’s views were not well accepted. Mazzini believed that through education and insurrection, he could create uprisings among the Italian states. He began a society that was called the Young Italians. In this society he taught young Italian boys about his views on Italian Nationalism and liberal ideas. He believed that if he was able to educate many people to his ideas, he would be able to sway their views to be in favour of the uniting of the Italian states. Mazzini was able to spread his ideas to Italian people “en masse”. Mazzini had very republican views as well and he wanted to make Rome a republic. In 1848, Mazzini’s dream of Rome being a republic came true. Mazzini was named the head of the republic. This republic however, was unsuccessful and short lived because it upset the status quo of the people. Mazzini was not in favour of the Catholic Church or the Pope. When the republic was started, the Catholic Church was outlawed. The people of the Italian states soon realized that they were not ready for a society without the Church and the Pope. Pope Pius IX sent out a cry for help which was responded to by Napoleon III. Napoleon was able to bring in his French troops. With Napoleon’s help, Mazzini was crushed. Mazzini failed to play a practical role in the unification of Italy, mainly because of his radical views and his dream of having a republic without the church.