A report on an Ecosystem


Ecology is the study of the abundance of life, and the interaction between organisms (biotic features), and their abiotic environment. An ecosystem is a natural environment unit consisting of all plants, animals and micro-organisms ( factors) in an area functioning together with all of the non-living physical () factors of the environment. Ecosystems vary in size. They can range from something as small as a puddle to the Earth itself. They are also “open” as energy can flow in and out freely. For instance the Earth converts rays from the sun into a number of organic products.

        An ecosystem is composed of abiotic factors e.g. water, rocks, air, and biotic factors like animals, plants, and microorganisms.


In this investigation I will explore the interaction between living things, and their environment. I will also survey the effects on the biotic factors when there is an alteration in the environment.


        I hypothesise that there is a strong link between organisms, and their abiotic environment. If a certain factor is slightly altered this could affect the population of a given species in a given area. In this sense I will prove that all biotic features depend strongly upon their environment. I will also prove interconnection of various organisms found in the environment by displaying food chains, and food webs. This will prove that organisms are highly dependant on other organism in their community. Environmental conditions such as temperature and soil pH will also be observed during this experiment.

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Dependant Variables:

  • Air temperature (at ground level and 1m above ground)

  • Soil temperature

  • Soil pH

Independent Variables:

  • Biotic factors


  • 1x Measuring tape

  • 2x Thermometer

  • 2x pH meter

  • 1x Trowel

  • 1x plastic bag

  • 1x Calculator


Biotic factors

Food Chains


  1. Measure a piece of land 10m x 10m in area using measuring tape, Make sure 10m transect line runs through a selected area where features such as undulation of land and vegetation varies.

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