An experiment to determine the effect of caffeine on heart rate

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Rimsha Arif IB1-5

An Experiment to Determine the Effect of Caffeine on Heart Rate


Does the effect of an increasing volume of caffeine in an energy drink cause a corresponding increase in heart rate?


The heart rate should increase proportionately to the amount of caffeine present in the different amounts of the energy drink that is used. Caffeine is known to cause tachycardia, which is a disorder of the heart rate (pulse) because it beats too fast.


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Apparatus –

Measuring cylinder


Bison energy drink (1880 ml)

Plastic cups (5)

Permanent marker

Using a measuring cylinder, pour 25ml, 50ml, 75ml, 100ml and 150ml of Bison into each of the plastic cups. Make sure they are all labeled using the permanent marker.

First get a friend/family member to find a pulse and count the heart beat in one minute. This can be done so by placing two fingers on the neck or placing two fingers on the opposite wrist.  Record this data in a table.

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