Atomic structure for Biochemistry revision poster

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Introduction to Biochemistry

Atomic structure:

  • Proton(p+): located in the nucleus, + charge.
  • Neutron(n*): located in the nucleus, no charge.
  • Electron(e-): located in orbitals outside the nucleus, - charged.
  • Ions: atoms that have a positive or a negative charge depending if it gains or losses an electron to become stable: Cations: ions that lose electrons (ex; Na+), Anions: ions that gain more electrons (ex: O2-)

Chemical Bonding:

  • Attraction between 2 atoms that holds them together, (intramolecular forces.)
  • There are 3 types: 1)Ionic bond: metal + non- metal (ex: NaCl, BeF2) and 2)Covalent bond: non-metal + non-metal (ex: O2, H2, N2) and 3)and 3)Polar Covalent bond: between 2 non-metals/metals, electrons are not shared equally.(ex: HCl)


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  1. Give an example of Redox reactions in metabolic processes?

Ans- When going through the metabolic process the body consumes energy, this chemical energy is provided through a series of redox reactions for synthesis of ATP as one atom is oxidized by losing electrons and another atom becomes reduced by gaining electrons.


  • Biochemistry II. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Helmenstine, A. M. (2019, May 24). Make Tris Buffer Solution for Medical or Lab Use. Retrieved from
  • Water Q&A. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Okopny, A.(February 3,2020).Lesson 1: Introduction to biochemistry (PowerPoint slides) Retrieved from: 


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