bio lab - The Effect of Temperature (C) on the Rate of Diffusion in seconds

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The Effect of Temperature (°C) on the Rate of Diffusion in seconds


How does increasing temperatures of water in degrees Celsius have on the rate of diffusion?


Diffusion is the movement of molecules moving from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. If a drop of food colouring is dropped in increasing temperatures of water, then it will spread faster throughout the water because an increase in temperature means an increase in the molecules kinetic energy (Andrew, 344). The molecules will move faster and diffusion will occur faster in less time.


Independent: Different temperatures of water

Dependent: Rate of diffusion in seconds

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5 X 200ml test tubes

Eye dropper

500ml beaker

Stop watch

Queens liquid green food colouring

Adtemp 419 hypothermia thermometer digital thermometer (±0.001 °C)   

Cornea Pc-100 hot plate

100ml of ice cubes


Insulated gloves must be worn when dealing with boiling water and hot plate


1) The amount of water was controlled by using a 500ml beaker to measure 100ml of water.

2) The 500ml beaker was put on the hot plate.

3) A digital thermometer (±0.001 °C)   was used to check the temperature until it reached 100 °C (±0.001 °C).

4) When the temperature was 100 C° ...

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