Bipedalism vs. Quadrapedalism

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Bipedalism vs. Quadrapedalism


  As the African landscape shifted gradually from dense forests toward large patches of savannah, early hominids found their food supplies waning, leading them to descend from the trees and become ground-dwellers. Because these early human ancestors could no longer feed where they lived, they were forced to begin carrying large amounts of sustenance over long distances back to their home bases—a tricky task had they remained quadrupeds. While some anthropologists contend that early hominids gathered fruits and nuts, a few argue that they were scavengers, stealing predators' kills. An upright stance would have enabled our ancestors to lug carcasses to safer areas for consumption, while also allowing them to see other food sources or potential danger at greater distances.


   The aim of the experiment is to find out a plausible theory to why humans evolved into bipedal organisms from being quadrapedal. To compare bipedalism movement with quadrapedalism movement. Is traveling with food across distances easier and quicker being bipedal or quadrapedal?


    Being able to walk as a quadrapedal organism will take more time and energy since ones hands are not free.  A bipedal organism has an easier ability to see ahead and find the quickest way to his home. If being on two legs makes traveling with food easier than the bipedal organisms will have the fastest time because they are using fewer muscles and body parts to get around.

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Ho:  There is no difference between the amount of the time it takes to carry food between bipedal and quadrapedal organisms.

Ha: There is a significant difference in the amount of time it takes to carry food between the two organisms.


Independent: Walking up the steps on four legs or two legs and carrying a book or no book.

Dependent: The amount of time it takes to reach the top of the steps.

Control: The length and gender of the person in the experiment.


Four people

Four stop watches

Four hard cover books

Data sheet



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