Credit River Abiotic Feature Study

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Lab 7: Abiotic Features in the Credit River

Planning A


The Credit River is an open freshwater system that flows through a predominantly agricultural sector of southern Ontario. The river is approximately 1,500km long and drains into Lake Ontario at Port Credit. Due to urbanization, lower sections of the river have experienced reduced water quality but still remains to attract a variety of species.  

Research Question  

What are the physical and biological components that influence biotic life with regard to abundance and Diversity in the freshwater habitat of the Credit River?


Relationships between abiotic components will be investigated in this fresh water ecosystem. The main abiotic characteristics in the Credit River that will be explored include; oxygen reduction potential, depth and temperature. Furthermore, abiotic limiting factors such as seasonal differences will be evaluated and discussed.  

As a result, I hypothesize that quadrants with high oxygen reduction potentials will be colder. Another abiotic factor that will influence the temperature of the Credit River is the average depth. I hypothesize that quadrants with a greater depth will have a lower average temperature than those with a more shallow depth. Lastly, I predict that quadrants with higher velocities will equate to an increased temperature in the Credit River.

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There are both independent and controlled variables in this lab. The controlled variables in the experiment encompasses the method, amount of intersects, the height of transect/measurements, size of quadrant, transects, location of site, time of year and day and the place of data collection. The independent variable is amount of sunlight.  Lastly, the dependent variables are the temperature, velocity, depth and oxygen reduction potential in the Credit River.

Data Processing and Presentation

* The compiled raw data will be placed in the appendix for viewing.

Figure 1



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