Design Lab on Enzyme Activity

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Biology: Design Lab work

Problem: To qualitatively measure the effect of the enzyme catalase on Hydrogen peroxide decomposition, then to measure the effect of the catalysis when temperature is modified.

Background: The experiment is based upon the idea that an enzyme acts to lessen a substrate reaction time by lowering the energy of activation through substrate conversion via the active site. The reaction between hydrogen peroxide and catalase is an easy reaction to follow as the oxygen that is released can be collected and measured. The reaction begins swiftly as the enzyme and substrate is mixed, bubbles of oxygen are released. As the reaction continues, however, the rate at which oxygen is released gradually slows down. The explanation for this is that as more and more substrate is converted to product there are fewer and fewer substrate molecules to bind with enzymes. As fewer substrate molecules are left the reaction becomes slower and slower .The reaction can be stopped through denaturation of the enzyme most likely through injection of the acid HSO or an increase in temperature.

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Hypothesis 1: The rate at which the enzyme catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide varies with time.

Investigation plan: In the reaction between hydrogen peroxide and catalase the rate of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide can be measured by measuring the rate at which oxygen gas is given off.            

2HO                           2HO + O


Independent variable: Time

Dependent variable: Volume of oxygen

Controlled variables: Temperature, Ph, volume of hydrogen peroxide and volume of catalase.


A manometer

Manometer fluid

1 boiling tube

10 ml HSO


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