Effect of substrate concentration on catalase activity (Biology IA)

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Effect of substrate concentration on catalase activity


To prove that at different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, the rate of catalase activity in chicken liver differs.


When chicken liver is exposed to hydrogen peroxide, the higher the concentration of the solution, the faster the activity of catalase because the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide increases when its concentration is higher (in the presence of chicken liver).


Materials and Apparatus

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  1. The chicken liver was cut into pieces each measuring approximately 1cm by 1cm by 1cm. Gloves were worn when handling liver tissue.
  2. Using a syringe, some coloured liquid was introduced into the U-shaped tube such that there was some liquid in both arms of the tube. The column of liquid in the U-shaped tube was continuous and there were no bubbles trapped within.
  3. The apparatus was set up according to the following figure.
  4. Wearing gloves and safety goggles; a pair of forceps was used to add a piece of chicken liver into ...

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The introduction did not use / introduce any of the scientific theory that is needed to be understood in order to carry out this investigation. Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide in to oxygen and water This was the gas that was being collected (not mentioned). This is found in the liver cells and is useful because hydrogen peroxide is a poisonous substance. In this investigation choosing hydrogen peroxide as the independent variable was a mistake as all that can be concluded here is that with more substrate there is more product. However, the data that was collected was good and displayed in a logical and clear table. A way this investigation could be improved is by making the independent variable the size / mass of chicken liver (as this contains catalase).