Experiment. The dependence of the rate of photosynthesis on light intensity

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The dependence of photosynthetic rate on light intensity


The existence of the animal kingdom, including humans, would be impossible without plants, which determines their specific role in the life of our planet. Of all the organisms only by plants and photosynthetic bacteria are able to accumulate the energy from the sun, creating it by means of organic matter from inorganic substances. By the plants' activity was created an atmosphere containing O2, and by their existence it's maintained in a condition suitable for breathing.

Light plays an equally important role than soil moisture, air and heat in the normal course of vital activity of plants. Without any light higher plants cannot exist. The only light source that is able to completely support the vital activities of plants, is the sun. Light of the moon, planets and stars, although useful, but not satisfied in this regard to all the needs of plants.

Thus, we have been interested in the question: “Does the light level is connected with the process of photosynthesis – one of the main functions of the plants?” And if yes – how and to what extent?

Research question

How the light level may affect the release rate of oxygen during photosynthesis?

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Chemical studies of Lavoisier (1775, 1781) led to the conclusion that plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen only in the presence of light.

Light in photosynthesis plays a role not only catalyst, but also one of the reactants. A significant portion of the light energy used by plants during photosynthesis is stored as chemical potential energy in the products of photosynthesis. For photosynthesis, coming with the release of oxygen, in one way or another is suitable any visible light from violet to medium red.

During photosynthesis with the help of light happens the process of water splitting, where oxygen is ...

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