How does the salinity of water affect the germination of mung been seeds as measured by the number of seeds that successfully germinate?

Authors Avatar by lizzielunn817gmailcom (student)

Biology Internal Assessment

DCP and CE

“Effect of Salinity on Germination”


Research Question

How does the salinity of water affect the germination of mung been seeds as measured by the number of seeds that successfully germinate?

Raw Data table 1 showing the effect changing the salinity of water added to ten ungerminated Vigna radiate (mung bean) seeds has on the seeds ability to begin germination as shown by a cracked testa four days after solution was added to the seeds?

Raw Data table 2 showing the effect changing the salinity of water added to ten ungerminated Vigna radiate (mung bean) seeds has on the seeds ability to successfully germinate as determined by the visible presence of a radicle seven days after the solution was added to the seeds?


  • There were differences in colour, size and texture of the dry seeds, with some displaying wrinkles, colour varying from brown to green, the sizes also varied.
  • When placing the seeds in the petri dish their distribution was unequal.
  • The filter paper did not fit the petri dish perfectly causing some bubbles to form.
  • The thickness of the cotton wool was uneven
  • 4 days after exposure to the solution the seeds gave of an unpleasant odour.
  • The testa of the seed had began to crack when we checked our seeds on day 4.
  • On the 10th day there was mould present in the 0.0 petri dishes

Processed Data Table 1 showing the effect changing the salinity of water added to ten ungerminated Vigna radiate (mung bean) seeds has on the seeds ability to begin germination as shown by the mean number of seeds with a cracked testa four days after solution was added to the seeds?

Note: All results have been rounded to one whole number, as living organisms including seeds can only be counted whole numbers.  

Processed Data Table 2 showing the effect changing the salinity of water added to ten ungerminated Vigna radiate (mung bean) seeds has on the seeds ability to successfully germinate as determined by the mean number of seeds with the visible presence of a radicle seven days after the solution was added to the seeds




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Graph 1 showing the showing the effect changing the salinity of water added to ten ungerminated Vigna radiate (mung bean) seeds has on the seeds ability to begin germination as shown by the mean number of seeds with a cracked testa four days after solution was added to the seeds

Comment on the graph:

The calculated standard deviation and error bars for two of my results (0.3 and 0.5) were small, indicating that these the values were close to the mean and therefore valid.  However, at 0, the error bar is very large (1SD is 3) this indicates that the values recorded for this percentage was less valid and some other factor may have been affecting the results. This error bar also overlaps 1 other data point at 0.2, indicates that this first decrease may not be a clear trend due to this overlap. The error bar for 0.2 and 0.4 is also large (1SD is 2), indicating that it was not very valid. The line of best fit is reasonably accurate and it passes through all of the error bars. This indicates that the trend indicated by the line is accurate.

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Graph 2 showing the effect changing the salinity of water added to ten ungerminated Vigna radiate (mung bean) seeds has on the seeds ability to successfully germinate as determined by the mean number of seeds with the visible presence of a radicle seven days after the solution was added to the seeds

Comment on the graph

As we had no radicles present at 0.3 0.4 and 0.5 the standard deviation is zero and therfore it is reliable, however it is not the expected trend, indicating that there ...

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