investigating the action of pepsin on egg white

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Investigating the action of pepsin on egg white

Data Collection:

The following table shows the lengths of egg white in a number of tubes before and after boiling:

Table (1)

Conclusion and Evaluation:

        While the food is in the stomach, it is mixed with acid, and enzymes, so chemical digestion takes place. During this, the peristaltic movements on the muscles in the wall of the stomach will mix the food until it is almost a fluid while is called chyme. After some, time the circular muscle between the stomach and the small intestine called pyloric sphincter opens briefly and a small amount of acid chyme is allowed into the duodenum.

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     The wall of the stomach is made of protein, and pepsin works on proteins in order to avoid self-digestion of the stomach wall, pepsin is released as an inactive form (Pepsinosion), which is activated by the acidic environment that's why stomach secretes HCL    

       In this experiment, we are investigating the action of the enzyme pepsin  on the egg white (the protein). We know that enzymes are proteins that catalyze a reaction by lowering the activation energy. The substrate used in this experiment consists of the egg white(albumen).It has been heated in order to ...

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