Monohybrid Crosses in Maize Cobs

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Henry Poon 12D

Looking at Monohybrid Crosses in Maize Cobs

Punnett Grid to Show Expected Offspring Phenotypic Ratio of Seed Colour between Heterozygous and Heterozygous

Parental Genotypes = Cc   Cc

Parental Phenotypes = Coloured Fruits x Coloured Fruits

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Phenotypic Ratio =1 Colourless Fruit: 3 Coloured Fruits

Genotypic Ratio = 1 Homozygous Dominant: 2 Heterozygous: 1 Homozygous Recessive

Comparison between Theoretical Result  and Expected Result

According to my results, the ratio of colorless kernels to colored kernels is 1:2.5 or in other words for every 2 colourless kernels, there are 5 coloured kernels. However the expected phenotypic ratio is 1 colourless corn kernel: 3 coloured corn kernels.  The ratio obtained from my results and the expected ratio do not closely match because as the number of colorless corn kernels increases in both ratios, the difference between the number of colored ...

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