G4 lab report




Protein digestion rate in human stomach.


Choosing the topic


Most members in our G4 group want to become doctor so our topic focuses mainly on medicine and healthcare.

   I spent my summer vacation in China this year. My grandfather suffered from diabetes and his doctor told him not to eat too much because that would increase his blood sugar. He had poor diet for years which caused him anemia (condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin). This disease can be caused by poor diet and anorexia nervosa which is an illness of eating disorder characterized by low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. I suggested him to take protein powder I brought form U.S. As a bodybuilder, I knew that protein can make people healthier by putting on more muscle. But it’s not all what a responsible physician needs to know! Instead, a doctor should be able to suggest patient to use different types of proteins at different time because of the different digestion rate of protein. Another reason is a good diet cannot be replaced by protein powder. That’s the reason we chose our G4 topic and we would like to apply our result to healthcare fields in the future.


Research question 


Is the protein digestion rate of different solid proteins different in human stomach and what factors can contribute to the difference between them? Based on the theory behind the prediction, what type of solid protein will have the fastest and the lowest protein digestion rate?


Solid proteins/food samples tested


Steamed tofu

Boiled boneless skinless chicken breast

Boiled egg white

Cheddar cheese

Mixed nuts


The protein digestion rate of different types of solid proteins will be different. The type of solid protein with the highest protein to fat concentration ratio will have the highest digestion rate as it takes more energy to break down lipids as one gram lipids gives off 9 calories compared to 4 calories from protein. Lipid is hydrophobic macromolecule which means it will water in the stomach thus decrease the digestion rate. Also the enzyme we will use to observe the digestion rate is pepsin, which is a polar substance. Another factor which will influence the protein digestion rate is the water concentration: solid protein with the highest water concentration will have the highest protein digestion rate as it allows the food to interact with water and polar pepsin in stomach more vigorously. Based on those factors and research about the macromolecule content in solid proteins which will be tested, I predict that boiled egg will have the highest protein digestion rate and mixed nuts will have the lowest protein digestion rate.



Background information


The chart below shows the protein concentration, fat concentration, water concentration and protein to fat concentration ratio of each solid protein being tested


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Human stomach:

  Stomach is part of the human digestive system. It has a saclike shape and is located between the esophagus and the intestines. The stomach is about 30.5 cm long and 15.2 cm wide. The capacity is about 0.94 liters in an adult. Food enters stomach and the gastric juices break down the food. Some substances are absorbed before entering the intestines.

   Gastric acid is hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach. The highly acidic environment in stomach (pH of 2) enables stomach to kill bacteria before food entering intestines. However, it ...

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