Research Question:- How does the time of boiling effect the amount of vitamin C in food

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Name                : Mohd Haziq Al-Hakim Bin Hamirruddin

Class                : M08F

Date                : 18 July 2009

Title                : Measuring the concentration of vitamin C


Refer to Biology HL handbook page 159


To investigate the effect of the time of boiling on the amount of vitamin C in food

Research Question:-

How does the time of boiling effect the amount of vitamin C in food


The longer the duration of boiling of the citrus fruit, the lower the concentration of vitamin C


Independent        : Time of boiling of the citrus fruit. Different boiling time is used which is 0min (fresh), 10 min and 1 hour.

Dependent        : The concentration of vitamin C.

Controlled        : Type of citrus fruit, volume of lemon juice, volume of DCPIP and volume of glacial acetic acid

Apparatus and Materials:-

Refer to Biology HL handbook page 159


Refer to Biology HL handbook page 159

Data Collection:-

Quantitative Data:-

Table 1 shows data collected during the experiment

Qualitative data:-

  • The colour of glacial acetic acid is colourless
  • The colour of DCPIP solution is dark blue
  • Colour of fresh citrus fruit is light yellow, 10 minutes boiled has yellow colour and 60 minutes boiled citrus fruit has dark yellow colour.
  • Upon mixing, the colour of DCPIP solution turns from blue to purple colour. Throughout the experiment, the solution colour turns from blue to purple, purple to light purple and then colourless.
  • The smell of glacial acetic acid is pungent and its colour is colourless.
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Data Processing;-

  1. Calculation of volume of glacial acetic acid, lemon juice + distilled water needed for trial.

Volume of glacial acetic acid = 10 cm3 ± 0.1 cm3

Volume of lemon juice + distilled water = 100 cm3 ± 0.1 cm3

  1. Calculation of average of glacial acetic acid and lemon juice + distilled water (from number of trials)

Average of glacial acetic acid                        

 10 + 10 = 10 cm3 ± 0.1 cm3


Table 2 shows the average volume of food to decolourise DCPIP


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