Stem Cell Debate Reflection

Over many years the use of stem cell research has been debated over, and it is yet inconclusive. My personal opinion on the use of stem cell research, highly regards the potential it holds to unveil a new beginning in the world of science. Imagine a world where one no longer has to suffer from their severe illness, or where someone is told that they will complete a miraculous recovery. This world is in our reach, and if we don’t act upon it, we could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime.

Summarizing the main points from the debate, the pro side said that stem cell research allows scientists to analyze different stem cells, and be able to replicate them for humans that are in need. It attempts to create a solution from different types of stem cells to heal the body and the organs that suffer. There are a variety of different kinds of stem cells in our body. The ability to be able to provide someone with aid from a serious disease like Parkinson’s, is truly a miraculous discovery. By researching these stem cells, humans will no longer be at risk. We will be able to have organs and limbs grown from scratch rather than having a donor. The con side said that religious figures claim that the use of stem cell research would be immoral and would be playing “God”. They feel that only God can determine how long one should live, or how they should die. They claim that by using stem cells, scientists would be altering the lives of humans and sinning.

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Being on the pro side, I feel that by funding the research, we will be able to thank our selves down the road, and when people have cancer, or heart disease, and we will be able to provide a cure. It has been argued that the use of stem cell research involves the taking of one’s life. For years, religious figures have argued that by using an embryonic cell we are in fact killing a fetus, which is after all, human life. But in fact, the embryonic cells used are from babies that have either been aborted, or miscarriaged. However, ...

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