The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Activity of the Enzyme Catalase in Hydrogen Peroxide Experiment.

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The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Activity of the Enzyme Catalase in Hydrogen Peroxide


Table 1: Physical Properties of Filter Paper Disks coated with Catalase Enzyme before and after Exposure to 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in Culture Tubes

Table 2: Time Taken for different temperature conditions of Enzyme Catalase coated onto Filter Paper Disks to travel to the top of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in Culture Tubes

*NR = No Reaction


Sample Calculations:

To calculate Relative Rate of Enzyme activity of Catalase: E.g. For Target 20oC Enzyme Catalase Temperature, Trial 1:

To calculate Mean Relative Rate of Enzyme activity of catalase: E.g. For the target 20oC Enzyme Catalase Temperature Data Set:

To calculate Standard Deviation: E.g. For Mean Relative Rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 20oC Temperature condition of Catalase Data Set:

Table 3: Relative Rate of Enzyme Catalase, Mean Relative Rate of Enzyme Catalase and Standard Deviation for Mean Relative Rate of Enzyme Catalase for Filter Paper Disk coated with Catalase Enzyme exposed to 3% hydrogen peroxide Solution in Culture Tubes

Figure 1: Actual Temperature of Enzyme Catalase vs. Mean Relative Rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for Filter Paper Disk coated with Catalase Enzyme exposed to 3% hydrogen peroxide Solution in Culture Tubes


Ho 1: There will be no significant difference between mean relative rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 0oC catalase temperature data set and the target 20oC enzyme catalase temperature data set.

Ho 2: There will be no significant difference between mean relative rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 20oC catalase temperature data set and the target 40oC enzyme catalase temperature data set.

Ho 3: There will be no significant difference between mean relative rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 40oC catalase temperature data set and the target 60oC enzyme catalase temperature data set.

Ho 4: There will be no significant difference between mean relative rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 60oC catalase temperature data set and the target 80oC enzyme catalase temperature data set.

Ho 5: There will be no significant difference between mean relative rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 20oC catalase temperature data set and the target 60oC enzyme catalase temperature data set.

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Ho 6: There will be no significant difference between mean relative rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 0oC catalase temperature data set and the target 40oC enzyme catalase temperature data set.

Ho 7: There will be no significant difference between mean relative rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 0oC catalase temperature data set and the target 80oC enzyme catalase temperature data set.

Ho 8: There will be no significant difference between mean relative rate of Enzyme activity of catalase for the target 0oC catalase temperature data set and the target 60oC enzyme catalase temperature ...

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