The Effect of Temperature on the Vitamin C Content of Lemon Juice

Authors Avatar by lizzielunn817gmailcom (student)

Biology IA

The Effect of Temperature on the Vitamin C Content of Lemon Juice



To investigate the effect of changing temperature on the Vitamin C content of lemon juice

Research Question
How does changing temperature the temperature of lemon juice effect its Vitamin C content?


Independent Variable –
Temperature of Lemon Juice (°C)

Dependant Variable
Vitamin C content as measured by the number of drops taken to turn the DCPIP solution colourless


Raw Data Table showing the effect of changing temperature on the Vitamin C content of lemon juice shown by the number of drops of lemon juice required to turn DCPIP colourless.

Processed Data Table showing the effect of changing temperature on the Vitamin C content of lemon juice shown by the number of drops of lemon juice required to turn DCPIP colourless




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Bar graph showing the effect of changing temperature on the Vitamin C content of lemon juice shown by the number of drops of lemon juice required to turn DCPIP colourless

Comment on Graph:

My bar graph shows that as the temperature of the lemon juice increases so does the number of drops of lemon juice required to turn DCPIP colourless. The error bars were calculated to show one standard deviation either side of the mean, displaying where 68% of the data lay. Mostly the error bars are small indication that my recorded values were all close to the mean therefore reliable. There is some discrepancy with the error bar for my ‘60°C’ result with gave it a larger standard deviation of 3.7 opposed to the other results which had standard deviations of 0.42-1.1, this could have been caused by some systematic errors which I will explore in my evaluation.

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Conclusion and Evaluation


In my experiment I investigated the effect of changing temperature on the Vitamin C content of lemon juice by looking at the number of drops of lemon juice required to turn DCPIP colourless. The number of drops of lemon juice required to turn the DCPIP colourless indicates Vitamin C content as vitamin C is a reducing agent. DCPIP is blue in its oxidised form¹, so with the addition of vitamin C (or in this case lemon juice which contains Vitamin C) the DCPIP is reduced, forming a colourless substance. Therefore the higher the concentration of ...

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