The impact of external factors: water and the carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis.

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Internal Assessment - Planning

  1. The impact of external factors: water and the carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis.

  1. Research question

Due to the fact that most plants have no appropriate apparatus to ingest and digest food, they have to obtain it by themselves using simple ingredients. That is why plants are called autotrophs or simply “self – feeders”.

The process of converting carbon dioxide taken from air and water from the soil into complex substances like glucose, is called photosynthesis and can be presented by the equation:

6CO2   + 12H2O  C6H12O6  + 6O2 + 6 H2O

carbon dioxide + water  glucose + oxygen + water

Oxygen, as a waste product, is released to the atmosphere.

Photosynthesis demands also a free energy taken from the sunlight that falls on the plant. After that, chlorophyll which is a green chemical substance contained in chloroplasts, in green parts of the plant, enables to trap it and use in the further process. Those organelles are filled with a matrix, called stroma and inside stroma there are membranes – thylakoids where photosynthetic pigments can be found. Thylakoids are grouped in grana.

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Photosynthesis requires two steps:

  1. the light-dependent stage in which the light energy is used to make high-energy molecules
  2. and the light-independent stage in which a carbohydrate is produced.

My experiment will be geared for the first one because it involves the impact of the light.

Pphotosynthesis is affected by external factors such as the level of carbon dioxide, light intensity and the type of water.

Those are directly proportional to the rate of the process, however only until it reaches its limit just not to allow for the damage of a plant. Also ...

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