Urinalysis Lab. From analyzing the different urine samples containing glucose, albumin, an altered pH, and ketones, many observations were made.

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From analyzing the different urine samples containing glucose, albumin, an altered pH, and ketones, many observations were made. Through Benedict’s test, the Biuret test, the pH test and the odour test, many different characteristics were found. Ultimately, the unknown sample was found through these 4 tests.

It was notable that the urine sample containing Benedict’s solution and glucose turned to a brownish-red color when heated. Benedict’s solution is used to test for the presence of an aldehyde or ketone functional group (Gurien, 2008), in this test glucose was being searched for. The color change to a brick red color indicated a positive result. However, when Benedict’s solution was added to the control, no changes were evident. When Benedict’s reagent was tested on the unknown sample, no changes were prevalent, indicating that no aldehyde or ketone functional group was present in the sample.

In the second test, Biuret reagent was used to test for the presence of protein molecules in the urine sample, in this lab, the protein that was tested was albumin. When the indicator was added to the urine sample with albumin, the color of the solution turned purple. The color change to a violet color indicated that proteins had been detected (Gurien, 2008). On the other hand, when the Biuret reagent was added to the control, the sample turned clear. When the reagent was tested on the unknown sample, no changes were observed. This indicated that no proteins were present in the unknown sample.

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In the third test, the pH of the altered sample and control sample was determined through a pH strip test. The control sample appeared to have a pH level of 4, while the altered sample had a pH level of 2. When the pH strip test was conducted on the unknown sample, a pH level of 2 was found. This result explains that the unknown sample must have had an altered pH level.

Lastly, the odour of the ketone sample and control sample was wafted and smelled. The smell of the sample containing ketones was similar to the smell of ...

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