Business Production Methods Practical

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#1 job production----individual newspaper hat making - everyone producing different sizes - different amounts #2 line flow mass production #3 batch production Task 2: Using appropriate terminology, describe the production method usedThe production method used in this task was job production, which is The production of a one-off project built to specific customer or industry specifications. We did individual newspaper hat making, in this task we were each given the same instructions and we then each used our own interpretation of those instructions and made our own newspaper hats, relying on ourselves and not our group maters. However this meant that in making the product (in this case the newspaper hats) there would be a longer development phase. Job production is used when the emphasis is on quality and the producer will then charge premium prices. As a result the products are market oriented and the client may then expect more. However weaknesses to this production method is that it may be time-consuming as there is more consultation with the client and the workforce would be reliant on labour intensive and skilled workers. 2. Analyse the appropriateness of this method for the task.For the task essentially the aim was to build newspaper hats and see how much we can make within a limited time. In this case if we were trying to look at production time and how long
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the 'manufacturing' of this certain product would take it would be an inaccurate way to measure the efficiency of the team. This is because this production method would be varied as the format each person uses is different, the time taken to produce the product would be different for each person because it was their own interpretation. Everyone was producing different sizes of newspaper hats as well as different amounts, therefore even though in this task we were given the exact same instructions each individual's interpretation and speed would be different. However advantages to this method was that it is ...

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