In this paper we would like to analyze Sony Corporation within two different countries Mexico and Germany where the company operates. We have chosen this company and these two different countries because Sony Corporation headquarters is in Japan from Asia

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2. ORGANIZING        

3. PLANNING        

4. CONTROLLING        

5. LEADING        

6. STAFFING        




“In Nineteen Ninety-three, Harvard Professor Samuel Huntington rocked the realm of political theory. In an article for Foreign Affairs and a subsequent book, Huntington predicted that after the Cold War, global conflicts would no longer focus on ideologies, such as capitalism or communism. Rather, he said, the world would likely return to old battles rooted in culture. The looming possibilities of a clash of civilizations would define the future”. The future is coming rapidly, because of expanding globalization and increasing possibility to internationalize business. For that reason cultural differences are more noticeable and sharp. International business is full of difficulties, not only financial, administrative or operational, which are more or less easily removable, but also difficulties such as cultural psychology and national features.

We can see how different countries depend on each other: Japan depends on Near East, because of the oil. Also Japan needs USA to buy its goods. Countries like Germany, Great Britain and Korea est., which do not have a lot of natural resources, always depend on production and export.

In addition, there is dominating stereotyping in perception of cultural differences, which can make negative effects. But if we want to understand differences between the cultures, we have to control our stereotypes or to specify them. For instance, German rough and bluntly criticism may stun, but they assure that they criticize to your interest.

In this paper we would like to analyze Sony Corporation within two different countries Mexico and Germany where the company operates. We have chosen this company and these two different countries because Sony Corporation headquarters is in Japan from Asia continent, Germany from Europe continent and at least Mexico in North America or as Latin America country. So it would be quite interesting to compare the situation when three major cultures are involved. The comparison would be according to the major management functions as organizing, staffing, controlling, planning and leading. Also we are going to ascertain how the cultures can make the influence into enterprise operation and movement. Moreover, in this paper will be attempted to ascertain how “action”: ”being” or “doing” prevails in Sony Corporation, Mexico and Germany.


The Sony Corporation is a global organization based in Japan which is built on desire for great ideas and helping people to get the most of creativity. It was established in 1946, when two enthusiastic entrepreneurs, Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita, joined together to develop innovative products of outstanding quality and design. They were determined that their corporate culture would be as unique as their creations. In their original mission statement, Masaru Ibuka expressed his vision of establishing a work environment that would promote a spirit of freedom and open – mindedness and this idea is developing till nowadays. Sony is about freedom, where do not exit limits but developing the empowerment, innovation, imagination, autonomy, creativity and choice. The major value is a communication with unions and employee of organization as well as.  Furthermore, Sony operates worldwide according to a basic philosophy of “global localization,” which aims to promote harmony with the countries in which it operates. This philosophy also applies to human resources, including a commitment to seeking the best people wherever it does business. Moreover, the cosmopolitan and worldwide spirit standing of the company emphasize that in 2005 year the chairman and CEO became Sir Horward Stringer who is an American and it happened the first time in Sony Corporation history that this position got non – Japanese.

The enterprise movement is developed and expanded throughout the world and the total number of Sony employees is a approximately 140,800.  So this picture proves how the company faced with different nations and cultures.

Personnel by Geographic Segment (As of March 31,2005)


One of the major management functions is organizing. This is the way in which managers arrange the resources needed to carry out their plans. Organizing requires arranging for people, facilities, and other resources to be available when needed. Organizing may be different; it can be very structured and straight or mild and intuition based. Obviously, there is a different organizing principle in different cultures. For example Romanesque nations have absolutely different time perception from German people, so it follows that organizing principles are also different. At first sight German may think that Mexican have no organizing. But Mexican has it just in different way. We can see it in companies and organizations. Mexican people do not organize their life as much as Germans. In Mexico people assume their life as a whole, while Germans structures it: family, work, friends etc. In Mexico, the company where you work in is your family; your friends are your family and usually workmates. The personal life and work are very close, employees talk about their problems openly and executives are willing to help. In German atmosphere is more formal; employees can not bring their personal problems to work. Companies usually try adapting to employees needs; especially international companies have to understand different needs of different cultures. Sony also has made a program in order to conform to the need of work and personal life combination. It provides flexible working styles, such as the "Flex-time System" and "Expert System"; these discretionary work systems fit to individual lifestyles, afford employees to express and develop their creativity, talents same it lets to configure working hours and conditions to their needs. This modern organizing system ensures bigger employee satisfaction, especially who has to raise children or carry for family members. Organizing in that way is very suitable in Mexico, because in Mexican culture family is very important and valuable, people has strong responsibility to take care of their family members. Even if Sony is Japanese enterprise, this organizing example shows that it still corresponds to other cultures.

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One major management function is planning. It is by planning that managers decide what has to be done, when it has to be done, how, and who will do it. Huge and well going enterprises always has many plans and Sony is one of them. Talking about workplace injury, improvement plans has been formulated to strengthen safety management. In Europe, senior management launched a joint regional safety project using Sony Six Sigma methodologies, which is based on “statistical methods to define, measure, analyze, improve and control processes for achieving ...

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