Recruitment Selection Process notes

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Recruitment Selection

  1. List the recruitment process
  2. Define with examples, job analysis, job description, person specification
  3. List and explain the application process
  4. What is shortlisting
  5. What is a contact of employment, what is included in it
  6. What is the difference between internal and external recruitment, list advantages and disadvantages of both
  7. What is appraisal? Pros and cons


 The recruitment process

1) Conduct a job analysis to determine the firm’s need to hire new employees

2) Produce a job description and person specification

3) Advertise the vacant post

4) Screen applications and shortlist suitable candidates

5) Interview the shortlisted candidates

6) Perform aptitude testing (if applicable)

7) Check each shortlisted candidate’s references

8) Offer the job to the best candidate

9) Sign the contract of employment

10) Carry out induction of new recruit


2) Job analysis: this is the breaking down of a job into various parts. This helps managers to see what the job consists of and whether the work merits a new person. The information may be used to prepare a job description and to decide the qualifications and experience needed, and whether the post should be part-time or full-time

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Job description: A list of tasks, duties and responsibilities attached to a particular job. A job description may be sent, with the application form, to a person applying for a job. It spells out the duties of the job and helps applicants o decide whether or not they want the job, job descriptions can include, the job title, and the grade of the job and to whom the job holder is responsible.

Person specification: is a list of the personal qualities, experience and qualifications needed for a job. The person specification is also known as the job specification. It ...

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