Aim: to determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide by titration potassium hydrogen phthalate

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Andita Syabana

IB Chemistry

February 1, 2012


Aim: to determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide by titration potassium hydrogen phthalate

Raw Data

Amount of Sodium Hydroxide to Titrate Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate

Processed Data

Uncertainties:        Electronic Balance        : ± 0.01g

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                Pipette                        : 25 ± 0.05ml

                Burette                        : 50 ± 0.05ml

Amount of KHC8H4O4 used        : 2.00 ± 0.01 g

Molar mass of KHC8H4O4         : 202.40 g/mol

No of moles in KHC8H4O4:                (2.00/202.40)                =        0.00988 moles

Conversion of amount of NaOH(ml to dm-3)

Concentration of NaOH

Propagation of Error

Percentage error in mass of KHC8H4O4:        (0.01/2.00) x 100%        =        0.500%

Percentage error in volume of NaOH in multiple trials

Concentration        = no. of moles / volume

Percentage error in concentration of NaOH in multiple trials

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