Calculate % of caco3 in white egg shell

Authors Avatar by vigneshb (student)

                Anant Sultania


Teacher’s Instruction

Determine the composition of the eggshell.


To find the percentage purity of Calcium Carbonate in an egg shell


Independent variables: mass of calcium carbonate in eggshell

        The mass of calcium carbonate in the egg shell will be constant as the shell is taken form one egg itself.

Dependent variables: number of moles of hydrochloric acid used

        The number of moles of

 that reacts with the calcium carbonate will vary according to the mass of calcium carbonate that is present in eggshell.

Control variable: concentration of sodium hydroxide

        The concentration of

 is used for titration is kept constant this will give the accurate measurements of the amount of

 that did not react with the calcium carbonate


  1. Mortar and Pestle
  2. Standard Lab Balance
  3. Hot Plates
  4. 200ml beaker
  5. Graduated measuring cylinder (10ml, 100ml)
  6. Pipette
  7. Burette
  8. Conical Flask

Reagents Used

  1. Eggshell


  1. Phenolphthalein


  • Carefully wash the shell of an egg to remove any dirt and organic matter attached to it.
  • Dry your egg shell with a paper towel and put it into a beaker.
  • Dry the shell further either in an oven or by using hot air from a hair dryer.
  • Grind the shell to a fine powder with a mortar and pestle.
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For the next few steps your setup should look like this:

  • Weigh accurately 0.5g of the power in a conical flask.
  • Use a mortar and pestle to powder the eggshell. Powdering will increase the rate of reaction and will result in the time for the experiment to occur to reduce.
  • Using a graduated pipette add 20.0cm3 of 1.00moldm-3 of hydrochloric acid slowly any swirl the flask to prevent any small amount from escaping from the flask with the carbon dioxide that is produced.
  • Once the reaction is completed add about 20 cm3 of distilled water and ...

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