Chem lab report shampoo experiment

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Chemistry Lab Report-6

Shampoo test





Teacher’s Instruction:

                       Investigate the Chemical Properties different shampoo brands and determine the best brand of shampoo manufacturers.

Apparatus Required:


Measuring cylinder

Boiling tube

pH meter

Reagents Used:



Distilled water


Test A (determination of pH): 

Take your 1% shampoo solution in a beaker and using the pH meter find the pH value of the shampoo. 

Information: Most shampoos are neutral or slightly acidic. Acidic solutions cause the cuticle of the hair to shrink and lay flatter on the shaft of the hair. Basic solutions cause the cuticle to swell and open up. Acidic solutions make the hair seem smoother. Basic solutions make their hair seem frizzier.

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Test B (shake test- determination of foam formation): 

Put approximately 10ml of the 1% shampoo solution into a 250ml graduated cylinder and record the initial volume of the solution. Cover the cylinder with your thumb and shake 10 times. Record the total volume of the contents after shaking. Then calculate the volume of the foam only by subtracting the initial volume of the solution without the foam.

Information: The smaller the bubbles the better the shampoo.

Test C (foam quality and retention): 

This test should be done together with the previous test. After preforming the previous test record the amount ...

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