Chemistry Internal Assessment Hesss Law

Authors Avatar by lizzielunn817gmailcom (student)

Chemistry Internal Assessment

DCP and CE

        “Hess’s Law”


Raw data table:


  • The solution with MgSO4  a white precipitate formed
  • In the experiment using MgSO4 the thermos got warm
  • The solution with MgSO4.7H2O turned a cloudy white
  • In the experiment using MgSO4.7H2O  the thermos got cooler

Full Equations of Reactions

1)         MgSO4(s)                         Mg2+(aq)         +         SO42-(aq)        

2)         MgSO4.7H2O(s)                  Mg2+(aq)         +         SO42-(aq) +         7H2O(l)        

Literature Values

A Raw Data Table Showing the Relationship between Time Elapsed and the Temperature of the Reaction of Hydrous and Anhydrous Magnesium Sulphate using a logger pro temperature sensor.

Graphs from the experiment using MgSO4 showing temperature over time with a best fit line for the data points following the maximum temperature to allow us to calculate an extrapolated maximum temperature

Graphs from the experiment using MgSO4.7H2O showing temperature over time with a best fit line for the data points following the maximum temperature to allow us to calculate an extrapolated maximum temperature

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Calculation of ΔH for MgSO4

Calculation of ΔH for MgSO4.7H2O

Hess’s Law


Hess’s Law is used to calculate the enthalpy change of a reaction that cannot be measured directly. Thus by calculating the enthalpy for two reactions I was able to calculate the enthalpy for a third. I then compared these values to their theoretical values. However the aim of this experiment was to calculate the enthalpy of the reaction between MgSO4 and water so my final answer is


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