The Effect of Different Electrodes on Voltage in a Voltaic Cell

Purpose: To observe the voltage change in using different metals in the same constant solutions.


  • Dependent: The dependent variables are the use of different metals as electrodes. The different metals that are to be used in this experiment are Zinc, Copper, and Tin. Independent: The independent will be the voltage change of the voltaic cell. This data will be recorded in the data table.
  • Controlled: The controlled variables will be:
  • The solutions used as the two half cells, Cu2+ and Zn2+. - Using different solutions would present a need to test the effect they have on the voltage of the cell.
  • The molarity of the two solutions- Using different molarities might potentially increase or decrease voltage.
  • The volume of the two solutions- Increasing volume of the solutions would affect the surface area of the metal in contact with the solution which could possibly affect voltage.
  • The solution used in the salt bridge- Different solutions may have an effect on voltage or ion movement.
  • The same Voltmeter will be used throughout the experiment-Different Voltmeters could have different readings.
  • The negative electrode will always be in the zinc (II) Solution and the positive electrode in the copper (II) solution. - Switching the electrodes would create a new variable to test.
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  • 2 150 mL Beakers
  • 1 glass salt bridge
  • Multiple cotton balls (depends on user and size of cotton balls available)
  • Copper (II) Solution
  • Zinc (II) Solution
  • Sodium Nitrate Solution
  • Voltmeter
  • 2 strips of each following metal: Zinc, Copper, and Tin

Above is a diagram of the beginning set up that will be used for each trial.


  1. Pour 100 mL of Copper (II) solution into one of you 150 mL beaker
  2. Pour 100 mL of Zinc (II) solution into the other 150 mL beaker
  3. Use a funnel to ...

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