Enthalpy of Neutralisation Between HCl and NaOH

Authors Avatar by lizzielunn817gmailcom (student)

Year 12 Chemistry
Enthalpy of Neutralisation
Internal Assessment

Raw Data Table:

Table displaying the relationship between temperature and time after 20cm3 of an HCl solution is combined with 20cm3 of a NaOH solution


  • The temperature probe often touched the bottom of the cup.
  • Not all the liquid was poured out of the measuring cylinder
  • The measuring cylinder had to been rinsed before each measurement meaning it may have been contaminated.
  • The two reactants are both clear liquids and when mixed, the result is also a clear liquid. There is no colour change seen in the experiment
  • The container of the neutralizing NaOH and HCl rose slightly in temperature, and at the end of the experiment felt slightly warmer than before the experiment
  • When stirring, the stirring rod sometimes knocked against the temperature probe
  • Small bubbles could be seen to form, most likely as a result from passionate stirring.

Graph Title


By looking at my table I can see that the max temp is __
If we then subtract the initial average temperature from this value thus:

 °C         (T = ± 0.05)


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 = ± 0.1)        


 = (± 0.1/6.2 °C)

 100 = ±1.61%)

Therefore, the average change in temperature for this experiment is calculated to be ΔT= 6.2°C

Using the equation

, we can ascertain the amount of energy, in joules, lost by the NaOH and HCl solutions when they neutralized to form H2O and NaCl:

For m we are using the value of 40 grams for 20cm3 of HCl and 20cm3 of NaOH, and C is a constant at ~4.18Jcm-3°C-1 (3 s.f). Therefore,

                                                ( %m = (1/40)

 100 =±2.5% )        

Joules                                                (


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