How does density of a liquid affect the volume of its drop

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How does the Density of a Liquid affect the Volume of a Drop

Background Research:

A drop is formed because liquids have surface tension. Surface tension is a phenomenon in which the surface of a liquid, where the liquid is in contact with gas, acts like a thin elastic sheet. This term is typically used only when the liquid surface is in contact with gas (such as the air).  Surface tension causes a drop of liquid to hold together due to the strong bonds between the molecules. Drops form when liquid accumulates at the lower end of a tube or other surface boundary, producing a hanging drop. Droplets of water tend to be pulled into a spherical shape by the cohesive forces of the surface layer.


To investigate how the density of a liquid affects the volume of a drop of that liquid.


As density increases, the volume will increase due to an increase in surface tension. This is because the denser a liquid is, there is a greater cohesive bonding between particles so there will be a larger volume in the drop


  • •        Glass pipette (25cm3)
  • •        Pipette pump
  • •        Measuring cylinder (25cm3)
  • •        Milk (30mL)
  • •        Vegetable oil (30mL)
  • •        Vinegar (30mL)
  • •        Distilled water (30mL)
  • •        Hydrochloric acid (30mL of 2moldm-3)
  • •        Clamp stand
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Key Variables

Independent Variable

The densities of the liquid used:-

  • •        Distilled Water- 1.00g/cm3
  • •        Vegetable Oil- 0.91g/cm3
  • •        Hydrochloric acid (2moldm-3)-1.19g/cm3
  • •        Vinegar (Ethanoic acid)- 1.01/cm3
  • •        Milk-1.03g/cm3

Dependent Variable

The volume of a drop

Controlled Variable

Volume of each liquid used (20cm3) 


  1. 1.        Gather all the apparatus.
  2. 2.        Attach pipette pump to the glass pipette.
  3. 3.        Extract 25cm3 of the liquid using the pipette pump and glass pipette.
  4. 4.        Clamp the glass pipette onto the stand.
  5. 5.        Drop the extracted liquid into the 25cm3 measuring cylinder until it’s full. (make sure ...

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