In this experiment, the effect of concentration on rate of reaction was investigated. We did this by reacting marble chips (calcium carbonate) with hydrochloric acid,

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  1. How does reaction rate change according to concentration?

Based on our processed data, the lower the concentration the faster the reaction. This also means that the higher the concentration, the slower the reaction.

  1. Why is the cotton wool plug needed?

The cotton wool plug is needed to absorb the amount of carbon dioxide released. It acts as a sponge in absorbing the gas expelled from the conical flask. The cotton wool is weighed beforehand and then after absorbing carbon dioxide, to find the mass of carbon dioxide released. The amount of carbon dioxide released can be used to calculate the rate of reaction.

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  1. Why is there no further loss in mass at the later time intervals?
    Eventually, there aren’t enough remaining moles of HCl to react with the calcium carbonate marble chips. Thus, there is no more reaction and there is no carbon dioxide to be expelled.
  2. How could reaction rate be calculated from your graph?

The first graph shows the loss of carbon dioxide over time. In this experiment, the rate of a reaction may be measured by following the rate at which carbon dioxide is formed. It is equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide formed ...

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