Neutralization of Oxalic Acid –

Acid-Alkali Titration


The objective of this experiment was to determine the number of moles of water of crystallization in solid crystals of oxalic acid.

Theoretical Background

Neutralization is a process in which an acid reacts with a base to form a salt and water. It occurs between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions in an aqueous solution. A suitable indicator can be used which changes color at the end point of the reaction when the pH of the solution corresponds to the presence of the appropriate salt and water only [1].

Titration is a method of volumetric analysis in which a volume of one reagent (the titrant – oxalic acid in this experiment) is added to a known volume of another reagent slowly from a burette until an end point is reached. The volume added before the end point is reached is noted. If one of the solutions has a known concentration, the concentration of the other one can be calculated [2].

Oxalic acid is a strongly acidic, poisonous crystalline solid that is slightly soluble in water. In nature in the leaf blades and sorrel of rhubarb [3].


Table 1. Lab equipment used.

Other equipment required:

  • laboratory spoon
  • weighing bottle
  • volumetric flask
  • conical flask
  • laboratory stand

Table 2. Reagents used.

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Accurately 1.5g of oxalic acid was weighed out and put in a 250cm3 volumetric flask. Then the water was added to make up the total volume of 250cm3.

Using a pipette 25.0cm3 of 0.100moldm-3 sodium hydroxide solution was placed in a conical flask and 2 drops of indicator – phenolphthalein – were added.

Prepared oxalic acid solution was run from a burette into the conical flask with the sodium hydroxide solution until the indicator lost its color. The procedure was repeated three times to get accurate results.

Subsequently, on the basis of collected data number of moles of water ...

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