Rate of reaction of Magnesium with Hydrochloric acid

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Science: Chemistry I.B

Rate of reaction of Magnesium with Hydrochloric acid

St. Dominics International School

Raj Devraj 12CRF

Title: Rate of reaction of Magnesium with Hydrochloric Acid

Aim: Magnesium reacts with diluter hydrochloric acid in a conical flask which is connected to a gas syringe. The volume of Hydrogen gas produced is measured over time, and the results are used to plot a graph to determine the rate of reaction with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid.

Hypothesis: I hypothesise that Hydrochloric Acid 2mol dm-3 going to be the acid that reacts fastest with Magnesium, because there is more concentration of the solute in the solution. A 2mol concentration of the solute means that there are more molecules in the solution that will crash with the Magnesium coil. The lower concentration of the Hydrochloric acid (1mol dm-3) will react slower taking into account that there are less molecules of Hydrochloric acid that will crash with the Magnesium atoms. Therefore I predict that Hydrochloric will be the acid that will take most time to react with the Magnesium. This because Sulphuric acid with the same molar concentration of Hydrochloric acid has more Hydrogen ions then Hydrochloric therefor it is a stronger acid, and thus will react faster than 1 mole of Hydrochloric concentration.


Independent: Acid concentration (1mol dm-3, 2mol dm-3), Type of acid (Hydrochloric acid, Sulphuric Acid). 1mol dm-3 Hydrochloric acid, 2mol dm-3 Hydrochloric acid, 1mol dm-3 Sulphuric acid.

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Dependent Variable: Gas produced as a result of the reaction measure over 10 second time period.

Controlled: Temperature, Amount of Magnesium (and also surface area), Hydrochloric acid (1mol dm-3), Sulphuric acid (1mol dm-3), Hydrochloric acid (1mol dm-3).

Apparatus and Chemicals:

  • Conical flask (100 cm3)
  • Rubber bung and delivery tube to connect conical flask to 100cm3 gas syringe
  • Measuring cylinders (100 cm3)
  • Clamp stand, boss and stand
  • Stop watch
  • Graph paper
  • Magnesium ribbon, cut into 3cm pieces and coiled
  • Hydrochloric acid, 1 mol dm-3
  • Hydrochloric acid, 2 mol dm-3
  • ...

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