Economic article analysis. The statement made by Ongkili indicates that the fishery industry of Malaysia is having inefficiency because it couldnt fully utilize and allocate its marine resources to the production in fishery.

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1.0 Article Summary

        The chosen news “Revolutionise fishery export industry: Ongkili” was published on Sunday, September 6th 2009. This news was happened in Pangkor, Malaysia and it was basically reporting about the development of Malaysia’s marine resource has not reach to its full potential yet. This single issue will eventually bring a lot of different economic problems not only to Malaysia but also other countries, which will be discussed later.

2.0 Introduction

        Since last few years, the marine exports of Malaysia have been decreasing due to some reasons such as pollution, changes of climate and other production constraints which disallowed fishery industry to continue the production growth, like disease attack and water quality (                               ).

        As there are several issues which are related to current fishery market were brought up in this article, the purpose of this report is to analyse the incapability of Malaysia’s fishery industry to fully utilize their resource and its other influences by using the economic theories and models. This report will cover the economic efficiency, changes in supply and elasticity.

3.0 Analysis

3.1 Economic Efficiency

        Economic efficiency is defined as optimally allocating all the resources is to produce and fulfill human’s needs in the best way while minimizing the cost and prevent inefficiency (                                ).

        According Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili, he said Malaysia has not yet develop the marine resources to its full potential or its sustainable level (Revolutionise fishery export industry: Ongkili 2009). Refers Figure 1:

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Figure 1


The statement made by Ongkili indicates that the fishery industry of Malaysia is having inefficiency because it couldn’t fully utilize and allocate its marine resources to the production in fishery. In another words, the resources is unemployed or misallocated. Base on the PPF (Production Possibilities Frontier) curve shown in figure one, Malaysia’s PPF is below the curve, which is D. The area which is below the curve is always attainable because the resources are sufficient for production. It is proven fishery industry of Malaysia does not fully employ its resources or else, ...

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