Economics Commentary - demand for lactose free milk.

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Economics Commentary

Milks, needed in the daily diet


        Milk is one of the most important foods in the diet that provides to the body many vitamins, minerals, proteins for the development and welfare of the important organs and the entire body. Without these compound that the milk and its derivatives give to us, the body couldn’t maintain healthy and some of the organs will begin to get damage by the lack of these components for example the bones will get severely hurt by don’t getting the sufficient amount of minerals as calcium.



        Milks, cheeses, yogurts and all the products that are made from milk are essential for our diet because all of these products are rich in many vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins such as calcium and vitamin D, iron, magnesium; zinc that provides us many benefits for the welfare of the body for example calcium (the most important mineral presented in milks) is principally necessary for the tooth enamel and bone formation. The importance of consuming milk every day is that this is the one of the most important foods in the diet that will develop and maintain healthy some of the important organs from the body which is the teeth, the bones and also for the digestion and immune system due to that milk and its products contain bacteria that help to strengthen it from diseases and other ill pathogens to protect the intestines and the rest of the body against the attack of these sickness providers. Unfortunately, children and teenagers (these are the ones who belongs to the new generation) do not consume the daily minimum require doses of milk for the health and development of their bodies which is three cups per day, this problem is mainly caused by the creation of new meals that are fast foods and beverages such as hamburgers, pizzas, french fries, fried chicken, cokes and all of those foods that are made from chemicals and artificial flavorings which contains large quantities of fats, oils and sugars, this is one of the causes of premature obesity, a severe problem of children and teenagers that provoke fatness at a young age.

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As it was said, milk is a great source of vitamins, minerals and proteins that are indispensable for the health of the body but some people were born without the capacity of consuming this enriched drink because of some secondary components of the milk that causes discomforts in their bodies, this means that their bodies are unable to synthetize a compound that is presented in milk and its derivatives which is called lactose (often named the milk’s sugar) due to the lack of the special enzyme that is capable of synthetize this disaccharide which is the lactase. Due to ...

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