Country With a Lower GDP Per Capita and Higher Provision of Social Services is More Developed Compare To a Country With a Higher GDP per Capita and Low Provision of Social Services. In my opinion, I think that a country with a lower GDP per capita and higher provision of social services is more developed compare to a country with a higher GDP per capita and low provision of social services. When we refer to the definition of development which is “ The concept of
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development is qualitative variable and thus far broader than any of the variables aimed at describing it. Development is therefore often put in terms of goals such as access to basic necessities such as food, water and shelter, availability of employment, education and culture and having social choices and basic freedoms such as freedom of speech and democratic elections.”[1]. From the definition we can conclude that for a country to be specified as a developing country they must focus on the quality of the life of the citizens in the country. Take for example two countries which are United States ...

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