LDC Essay Economics Barriers to Growth

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        Explain the Key Issues in Relation to the Developing Nations Concerning Economic Growth and Development Strategies

        First of all it is extremely constructive and advantageous if thorough definitions and what processes of the topic at hand are given. Economic Development is the simplistic process where there is improvement in the lives of all people in the country. This involves not only living standards, for instance greater accessibility of goods and services and also the ability to purchase them, but also the encouragement of personal characteristics such as confidence, pride and admiration, in addition to the broadening of people's freedom to choose and to take control of their own lives. While a country may grow wealthier therefore, during the growth of its real productivity, it does not essentially mean that it will expand. Economic Growth on the other hand, occurs where there is an increase in the productive potential of the economy and is best calculated by the boost in a country's real level of output over a period of time. Less Economic Developed Country administrations have intricate decisions to make in their efforts to promote development. The tribulations of scarcity and choice are undeniably, incredibly evident. In this thesis, the investigation and evaluation of several prospective economic growth and development strategies for policy makers will be systematically addressed as follows: The Harrod-Domar growth model, Structural Transformation/dual sector model, the types of aid, export-led growth/ peripheral- oriented strategies, important substitution/integral-oriented strategies/protectionism, commercial loans, fair trade organizations, micro-credit schemes, foreign direct investment, in addition to as a final factor, Sustainable Development.

        At the outset, The Harrod-Domar model is unavoidably named after two 19th century economists, Sir Roy F. Harrod and Evsey Domar, who were working in the l930s. The model identifies the rate of growth for an economy through time that allows savings-investment equilibrium to be maintained. This is known as the “warranted” rate of growth. The two innovative economists consequently solidified their model majorly on the foundation of investment, savings and technology as the main agents of economic growth. Purely summarized, the more an economy can save and invest, the higher will be its own fiscal growth. Augmented investment would, consecutively, power the production possibility curve outwards and create more monetary wealth. The impact of this increased investment on the production possibility frontier is shown on the right hand side in Figure 12, branded as “Increased Investment Shifting the Production Possibility Frontier”.

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        The Harrod-Domar model focuses upon the amount of investment on the rate of technological progress vital for the growth process. Furthermore, the replica represents economic growth depending primarily on the amount of labour and capital. As lower economically developing countries regularly have an abundant supply of labour, it is a lack of physical capital that holds back economic growth and development. 3 Net investment leads to more capital accumulation, which generates higher output and income. Methodically, higher income allows higher levels of saving. Savings enable investment, which leads to capital accumulation, which increases productive capacity and allows higher output. ...

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