Macro - economics

Market failure

This is when the market fails to allocate resources effectively because the true costs of the good or service are not considered when making a purchasing or production decision.  Examples of this might be the case of monopolies restricting supply or the over production of de-merit goods and the under production / use of merit goods.

Economists claim that markets are by nature efficient.  This is because, according to the laws of economics, shortage of a good or service forces up prices, which then acts as a signal to would be entrepreneurs to switch resources into the production of that good or service, from less profitable ones.

However, while all the above is true to an extent, it only works when we include the private costs of a good or service, not the external costs to society, which are never included in a companies profit and loss account.

Tradable Permit

A tradable permit is a permit which allows a company or country to produce a de-merit good up to and including a certain level.

Government Objectives - page 206 – 207

Measuring national income – income method, expenditure method, output method.

Key terms in National Income Accounting

GDP – this is the total value of all goods and services produced in a country and can be calculated by the Expenditure Method, the income method or the output method.

Expenditure Method

This is calculated by adding up all the goods and services sold in a country and is divided into consumer expenditure ( C ), public expenditure (G), Fixed Capital formulation / Investment (I).  You then add this figure to exports (X) and take away imports (M).                            

You then take off sales taxes and add on subsidies so that you are measuring the real value of goods and services in the country.  To get Gross Domestic Expenditure.

Income method

This is calculated by adding up all the rewards from each of the factors of production i.e Income from employment (labour), profit (entrepeneurship), interest received (capital) and rent (land).                                                    

You then take off Stock appreciation (the rise in stock values due to inflation rather than increases in value added) to get Gross Domestic Income.                                  

Output Method

You add up all the output produced by each of the industrial sectors – Agriculture, energy, manufacturing, distribution, banking, education and Health and other public services.  

You then have Gross domestic output

Gross National Product

Irrespective of which ever of the above that you do you end up with GDP (subject to statistical errors).  To get from GDP to GNP you take off the net property income from abroad.

Net property income from abroad

The profit coming into Turkey, made by Turkish citizens on profits made overseas minus the profits repatriated i.e the profits leaving Turkey, made by foreign citizens on investments in Turkey.

Net National Product

GNP – depreciation of fixed assets.  Fixed assets mean machinery and infastructure.  To put it in perspective, if the government spends 2m replacing an old road, and the old road was valued at 1m then the real value of that investment was 1m not 2m.

Real GDP

The value of GDP after taking off the rise in prices, so if a countries GDP grows by 4% this year but prices rise by 2% then the real rate of GDP growth is only 2%.

Put the following items into a table:

Expenditure Method:

Private consumption (c), Investment (I), government expenditure (G), sales tax, subsidies, exports, imports, Gross Domestic expenditure at market prices, Gross Domestic expenditure at factor cost.

Income Method:

Income from wages, profit (private sector), profit (public sector), rent, interest, stock appreciation.

Output Method:

Manufacturing, energy, agriculture, financial services, other services, construction

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Calculate the GDP of the following country using each method of National income counting

Expenditure Method

Consumer expenditure (C) = 1 400 000, public expenditure (G) = 430 000, fixed capital formulation (I) = 400 000, exports (X) = 160 000, imports (M) = 120 000, subsidies = 30 000 and sales taxes (T) = 110 000.

Calculate GDP at market prices and GDP at factor cost                                

Profits received by Turkish citizens on investments made overseas 80 000.  Profits repatriated from turkey 70 000.  Therefore, GNP =


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