Desertification of Sahara and Gobi desert

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Desertification of Sahara and Gobi desert

The planet Earth has many ecological problems, from small ones to very severe; some of them are not caused by humans although the biggest part of the ecological problems is created by human activity. It seems very illogical that we destroy our mother Earth the planet which is one and only home to us. We pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink and what is more we destroy animal habitat and also our habitat, the earth on which we build our houses. Destruction of the soil by human activity leads to many severe problems from degradation of the soil from farming, trough destruction from heavy machines used in agriculture to the soil erosion itself. Soil erosion can cause many problems and has a very bad influence on a fertility of the soil; it also causes a very severe problem which is desertification. Desertification is a huge problem in the areas around the deserts it destroys the habitat of people and animals and creates a new group of refugees, so called environmental refugees. Desertification is a consequence of unwise usage of the land in semi- arid and arid areas, it is created manly by humans and we have to fight it because it destroys the land, habitat and cultures.

Desert and Desertification

        “Desert, arid region, usually partly covered by sand, having scanty vegetation or sometimes almost none, and capable of supporting only a limited and specially adapted animal population. The so-called cold deserts, caused by extreme cold and often covered with perpetual snow or ice, are quite distinct from the deserts of warm regions; cold deserts cover about one sixth of the world's surface. It is estimated that warm deserts form about one fifth of the land surface of the world.” (, 2010) There are many deserts worldwide from South America trough Africa to Asia, deserts differ from region to region some are sandy and very hot and some are rocky or covered by ice and snow. Desert is characterized by very dry land and big temperature differences between the day and night. Desertification is due to the land degradation in the semi- arid and arid areas caused by human beings and climatic changes. “Desertification occurs when the productive potential of dry lands (arid or semi- arid land) falls by 10% or more because of natural climate change that causes prolonged drought and human activities that reduce or degrade topsoil. The process can be moderate (a 10- 25% drop in productivity), sever (a 25- 50% drop), or very severe (a drop of more than 50% usually creating a huge gullies and sand dunes). Only in extreme cases does desertification lead to what we call desert. But when severe desertification occurs it can expand existing desert area or create a new desert in areas that once were fertile land.” (Miller, 2007)                                                                                  Deserts are formed in three different ways:                                                         Global Air Movement- works on the way how air flows around the globe. In the middle of the globe around the equator the sun heats the air, the hot moist air in the high altitudes cools drops the rain and the air becomes dry. This dry air rises and reaches the outer layer of the atmosphere and now becomes coder and dryer. Because of the rotation of the air the air circulates and moves from the equator to either north south, this cold air is than heated by the sun and gets dryer; this air dries the location and creates the desert environment.        Interior Effect- moisture evaporates from oceans, than as this moist air moves over land much of the rain is dropped. If this air doesn’t move over the ocean or the sea or some big water and doesn’t acquire more moisture conditions get drier as the air moves further inland. This effect forms desert in the interior of the continent.                                        Rain Shadow Effect- as the air moves from the ocean to the land it becomes very moist, if this moist air is blown over a mountain the air raises. As the air raises it cools and drops the rain, than this now dry air, moves over the top of the mountain and begins to descend, it heats up again. This dry hot air causes evaporation on the far side of the mountain and produces a desert environment in the rain shadow of the mountain.                                 

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Sahara and Sahel region

We have around twenty deserts in the world; the biggest one is Sahara with an area of 91,000,000 square kilometers.  The Sahara desert enlarges each and every year which is due to the desertification, overgrazing and no natural borders to stop continuing the desertification. Sahara is now home of four million of people and contains a partially fertile oasis. “The boundaries, however, are not clearly defined, and have been shifting for a thousand years. The limits of the Sahara Desert are the Atlantic Ocean on the west, the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea in ...

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