Geography - Tropical Rainforest Biome

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The tropical rain forest is the wettest and most humid biome in the world, averaging from 125-660 cm of rain and temperature ranging from 20 -34˚ C. The rain forest is home to a plethora of unique and exotic wildlife that are one of its kind within the world. However, the biome is slowly becoming threatened, and spans less than 6% of the Earth’s land surface. Tropical rain forests are typically found near the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, and can be found in areas of South America, Australia, West Africa, southern India, and Southeast Asia.

A wide array of exotic fauna inhabits the tropical rain forests, notably the orangutan, three-toed sloth, and the harpy eagle.. The constant warmth, unlimited sources of water, as well as shade from the heat, provides ideal conditions for animal habitation. Although an omnivore, the
orangutan (simia pygmaeus) mainly feed upon bark, leaves, numerous fruits, and insects, all in abundance in the tropical rainforest. In  times of little rain, orangtutans may chew leaves to make a sponge to soak up water in  tree cavities.This mammal has long strong arms specialized for travelling along the high layers of the rainforest, as well as curved feet for added balance on tree branches.  Orangutans move in specialized hand-over-hand motions called brachiation, and utilizes their body weight for movement within the upper levels of the rainforest. Furthermore, orangutans are recognizes as the most intelligent mammals next to humans, evidenced by their creation of feeding tools as well as construction of nests from branches and leaves each night, and construction of umbrellas from leaves. Additionally, the orangutan’s throat sac enables it to perform the “long call”, a mating call as well as a locational call.  

three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus) utilizes effective camouflage and extravagant slowness to escape predators. An example is the green algae that grows on the mammal’s fur, blending in with the green background of the rainforest, in addition to providing nutrients to the sloth itself. Their slow movements are to their advantage as well, due to the fact that they are able to remain so still that predators such as jaguars are unable to detect their presence. The sloth also possesses three claws at each front-foot that aids in defence and climbing trees. Furthermore, the three-toed sloth has developed a big pouched stomach that assists in digesting tough cellulose present in leaves, a prime aspect of their diet. In terms of diet, the sloth is primarily a omnivore, and consumes small rodents to vegetation. Due to their ability to defend from prey, and the enormous resources of food, the three toed sloth lives successfully in the rainforest.

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The harpy eagle (harpia harpyja) is one of the world’s most powerful species of eagles, and has adapted to the conditions of the rainforest. With a wingspan of nearly seven feet, the harpy eagle possesses wings designed for speed and swift manoeuvrability specifically for flying through the dense layers of the rainforest.  These very wings may allow the eagle to exceed speeds of 50 mph. With five inch long claws that make hunting an efficient task, the harpy eagle preys upon small animals inhibiting the higher levels of the rainforest, such as sloths, monkeys, and other birds. The fact ...

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