Global Dimming



Mr. Verity

Nils Werner

Global Dimming

Global dimming is an alarming phenomenon. Visible pollution particles that are released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned cause global dimming. Similar to global warming, this process changes rainfall patterns worldwide. The amount of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth in the Middle-Eastern region has decrease by twenty-two percent because more sunlight is being reflected back into space. The visible pollutant particles from burning fossil fuels reflect sunlight and cause an increase in precipitation by causing more droplets to form. This causes clouds to reflect even more sunlight. It is very likely that global dimming has been disguising the negative effects of global warming by stopping some of the sun’s energy from reaches the surface of the earth. A worldwide effort is being done to a control or limitation on pollution. There is a very possibility that as the air becomes less polluted by soot and sulphur dioxide, global dimming will decrease, consequently causing the effects of global warming to increase.

America is a more economically developed country and is experiencing a very high level of global dimming due to their level aviation travel. Post 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers in New York created the ideal opportunity to find out whether contour trails from aircrafts have an affect on the national temperature of America. Dr. David Travis of Wisconsin University took full use of this opportunity.  Contrails cover over seventy-five percent of the skies over western America. After the 9/11 attack the entire American commercial fleet was grounded. Aviation transport came to a complete stand still. This was the optimum opportunity to discover whether contour lines from aircraft actually have an affect on the national temperature range. From one day to another the percentage of aircraft in American airspace dropped by ninety-three percent. The grounding created immediate and dramatic results. Temperatures recorded in over five thousand whether stations across America on the 8th, 9th and 10th of September generated frightening results. Observing the average change in national temperatures would not give accurate results. The temperature range needed to be taken into account. The highest temperature during the day and the lowest during the night. The difference between the average of the 8th and 10th temperature range and 9th was of one degree Celsius. One degree in a climate perspective considered as being huge. This is the most modern and striking cause of global dimming. The contour lines act as a blanket reflecting the sunlight and cooling the surface of the earth. Considering the drastic and immediate affect of temperature range incline by only removing one form of pollutant for just three days in one country, reducing more than one pollutant on a world wide scale could create unimaginable damage.

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Forty years ago in Israel a trained biologist Dr. Gerald Stanhill began an operation to measure how strongly the sun shone over Israel. His results didn’t only produce figures that helped biologist to understand how much water plants needed but also the level of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth in the Middle East. His results became vital twenty years later to prove the theory of global dimming. In 1980 his results were compared to present day sun light levels and the conclusion was made that the sun light level over Israel had dropped by twenty-two percent. At ...

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