Impact of Polish migration to the UK

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Migration has economic, social and political effects on both countries involved, i.e. the home and the host country. Some of these effects are symmetric in the sense that the positive effects for one country are mirrored one-to-one by negative effects on the other. Other impacts of emigration may be beneficial for both countries. It is difficult to find a specific feature of migration that has a negative impact at the same time on both countries, as in this case it would probably did not happen.

It is difficult to give accurate figures about the total Polish-origin community in UK. It is estimated that currently it is composed of circa one million, including both those who are settled permanently and those who migrate only a temporary basis. But only around half a million are officially residents registered.  Due mainly to personal and family reasons, the majority of the migrants are on a temporary basis.  There may be also a difficult distinction between temporary and permanent migration, in general: is a polish emigrant to UK who intends to work in UK until his retirement age, permanent or temporary emigrant?

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The Polish migration to UK has its origins in the First and Second World War and the disastrous, bloody invasions suffered by Poland from Germany and the Soviet Union, respectively during the XX Century.  Reflecting the importance of the Polish migration to UK following both World Wars, in 1947 a “Polish Resettlement Act” was issued, formally acknowledging the orderly establishment of Polish in UK. This British Act facilitated the expansion of total Polish community in UK from initially 44.000 to 162.000 Polish as it allowed those established to bring families over to UK as well as it gave a clear ...

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An excellent overview of some of the issues relating to Polish migration to the UK. However, at times it lacks detail such as exploration of the social impacts of this migration. The essay makes good use of data to back up points of discussion. 4 stars