The aim of this geographical report is to find a correlation between the fertility rates and the status of women through the analysis of the indicators of development in different countries of the world, based on published statistics.

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The aim of this geographical report is to find a correlation between the fertility rates and the status of women through the analysis of the indicators of development in different countries of the world, based on published statistics. The choice of the countries is made using two different selection methods: the random sampling method and the systematic sampling method. Through the internet investigation on the selected countries, the research is going to try to answer the question: what is the relationship between the total fertility rate (TFR) and the level of education of women? The analysis of the collected data will help the attempt to demonstrate the following hypothesis: the correlation between the two aspects is that the higher the educational attainment, the lower a woman’s fertility rate. It is important to consider another possible hypothesis: a low increase of a country’s development brings to its reduction in population growth. 


The analysis in this assessment is intended to prove in what way the level of education is a very critical factor in accounting for lifetime fertility differentials and vice versa. The study tries to determine empirically what the correlation between these two factors is. The main consequences of any kind of correlation concern the status of women, the fertility rates and the level of development, based on some important indicators.

The persistence of hunger and poverty in many parts of the world is due, in large measure, to the disempowerment and marginalization of women. When looking at their discriminate conditions (malnutrition, poor health, lack of education, overwork, unskilled, mistreatment, powerlessness), it seems that the levels of development and growth of the population are low.

This essay intends to demonstrate this correlation, also in terms of development’s aspects.

The interpretation of data is based on a sort of countries’ selection, known as the methods of sampling. Two of them (random and systematic), explained later, were used for this investigation. The sample involved two sets of 25 countries each, with low and high income characteristics. The statistical methods used are descriptive analysis and correlation coefficients. Graphs will be used for the conclusion, the evaluation and to confirm or negate the hypothesis.

Map 1.  Highlighted countries in the group of the random sampling method.

Map 2.  Highlighted countries in the group of the systematic sampling method.

Due to the two methods, the countries are taken from different part of the world belonging either to developed or developing world.

Map 3.  Brandt line map to demarcate economically and politically developed and developing countries.

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Before the investigation, some information concerning the methods for collecting data is needed to be explained. As said in the introduction, the two methods used are called random and systematic samplings. The sample has to be carefully chosen in order to represent the results in the best possible way. The countries were 239 and taken from the “Data Finder” application on the following website:  

With the first method, the random sampling, all countries have an equal chance of inclusion in the sample. This technique ensures that bias is not introduced. The advantage ...

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